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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Salt Brown sugar ...

Peel the apples. Cut them into quarters and remove core House. Cut the apples into small pieces. Put them in a tærtefad, pour water and sprinkle sugar over. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Mix brown sugar with flour, cinnamon and salt. Chop the butter i

Sides Gullerødder Apples Sugar ...

Peel and grate the gullerødderne them so they all together is torn then river you apples in the same way. mix them so well together. Ta a little bowl and squeeze all the juice out of them put up sugar in lemon juice then mix it together and stir it up in the s

Sides Lemon juice approximately ½ squeezed lemon or to taste Be served with tørristede sunflower seeds Herbal salt according to taste ...

The Rose Bowl is cleaned (only the outer involucral bracts removed) Gullerrødder peeled off washed and cut into smaller pieces ca 5 cm The apples are cut into quarters and core are removed (do like Peel on) The entire place in foodprocesser run with knife f

Lunch Baby spinach Spring onions Honey ...

cut the ålefileten in foot chunks and chop the egg. Clean radishes and spring onions and cut them into slices and the apples into cubes. tube limejuice with honey sunflower oil and pepper and pour it over the salad. Turn the eggs and ålebidder in the salad an

Cold cuts Brown sugar Sugar Apple cider ...

-Peel the apples, remove the core and cut the apples into slices the House. Bring Apple slices and its appearance to a boil in a small saucepan. Turn down the heat, put a lid on and let Apple mixture simmer for 10 minutes or to the apples are very tender. -

Cakes 1 tsp. icing sugar Oatmeal Oatmeal bar ...

1. wash apples, remove the stem and core, and cut them in small boats. 2. mix together oatmeal, flour, sugar and melted butter/margarine/flydendemargarine in a bowl for it hangs together, but still crumbles. 3. Add the apples in a greased ovenproof dish and

Cakes Cinnamon Wheat flour Margarine ...

Margarine is melted and sugar and wheat flour is mixed in it. Add the flour so that it is firm but still moist the dough out in a tærtefad so that it covers the bottom and slightly up from the edges. the apples were peeled off and udkernes. then cut the

Desserts (cold) Cream fine 19% Cream fraice cheasy Kokusmel ...

Beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix in sugar gradually and beat well. Chop the chocolate well and turn it and kokusmelet in egg mixture. Find a dish like the cake to be served for about 20 x 30 cm. Take a piece of wax paper and set the dish on and sign