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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (cold) Eggs Orange Banana ...

Fruit salad: Pears, apples, banana and orange wash/peeled and cut into small cubes. the whole place in a large serving bowl Råcreme: Sugar, eggs and vanilla sugar whipped together to egg snaps Piskefløden whipped into foam and gently stir in æggesnapsen

Cakes Reven should of 1 lemon Icing sugar Almonds ...

Cut the apples in the boats and place them in a greased taglagt ovnfad. Sprinkle with sugar, lemon zest and juice. The tonsils which are slipped painted. Beat the whites until stiff. Whip then half of the icing sugar in whites. The rest of the flormelisse

Lunch Salt Mayonnaise mixture Grated horseradish ...

Red beets and apples with peel cut into cubes. Bladsellerien cut into thin slices. The vegetables turned over along with grated horseradish mayonnaise mixture as season with salt. Let the salad pull slightly before serving Tips: recommended for heavy dish

Lunch Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Chop 1 ½ Apple and almost the whole cucumber crunch (save a little for garnish). Slice the onion and egg in small cubes. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise and whipped cream, turn the sliced ingredients in. Season with horseradish, salt, pepper and mustard. Cut the

Desserts (cold) Chocolate Oranges Whipped cream ...

Take a killer Board, a knife, pears and apples. Cut the pears and apples out in boats, and remove core House, then cut them into cubes, and it came in a bowl. Peel the bananas and cut them into about 1 cm thick slices Peel the oranges, cut them out now int

Cakes Baking soda Eggs Cinnamon ...

Stir in becel and sugar together well and then mix the rest in and stir well. Take half the dough and put it in a form and low as bottom. Mix the cinnamon and sugar and sprinkle half out on the bottom. Peel and slice the apples into slices and place i

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Butter Apples ...

egg tube around and then heals to flour in. entire sugger in and stir round butter is melted. MOSS all fruit and complete it in Add cinnamon in Tips: It should be into the top of a 30 min

Mains Wheat flour Margarine Lettuce leaves ...

Boil the rice crop. Remove core from apples arrow the onions and cut them into both Bananas peeled sliced and halved turned into flour and place on a hot skillet m. margarine and Curry rose to they take color take them of. Came the onion and apples rose them