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Mains recipes

Mains Boullionvand on demand Paprika Large grated onion ...

It all stirred together and shaped to karbonader reversed in bread crumbs and FRY in oil

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Bring the milk to a boil. take the Pan from the heat and add all the flour and all kryderierne at once. style kryden on the heat and cook for the release pages. take the Pan and add the pamesanosten and æggeblomerne. Butter a baking pan and roll the dough i

Mains Rocket Spring onions, chopped Oil-vinegar dressing with lots of garlic ...

Put the loaves on the sheet with wax paper and stuffing on came in the order in which it is mentioned. Behind the loaves in the oven at 250 degrees until crisp and the cheese bubbles-ca. 6-8 min. serve immediately Tips: Time: approx. 25 min Beans canned ca

Mains Pepper Parsley (chopped) Salt ...

Peel and slice the celery into cubes and boil until tender (the water is stored for gravy). The same thing with the potatoes. The eggs boil (hard) the eggs are shared and the yolk will be saved for garnish. White cut into cubes. Breakfast sausage/ham cut into

Mains Fresh basil (optional) Chopped tomatoes ell. a glass of the dolmio ell. Beauvais bolognesesovs (no added meat) Oil ...

The burgers warmed in oil and chopped into pieces. Used Mince instead, warmed this just up. Add tomato sauce and water. Let the Court cook up and add the spices. Tips: The Court is both easy and fast. "Kødsovsen" is particularly suitable for pasta and as f

Mains Honey marinade Easy mayonaise Salt ...

Mariner meat for about an hour. Grill it then at medium heat for about 15 min. Sprinkle with barbecue spice when they are almost finished. Wash the rhubarb and cut it into thin slices. Mix rhubarb and hvidkåls trimler. Add salt and let it soak for about 10

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Thaw the shrimp up in kølekabet (if they are frozen) Clean and rinse barsfileterne. Baste the fillets with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown fish filters in butter, and add the white wine and half of the pr

Mains Margarine Smoked fælsk, diced Wheat flour ...

melt the margarine and Add flour came in so fælsk it forms a bun but not gryner when potatoes are finished accepted that a good wrap potato water in addition to butter the bread roll and the rest milk into the gravy has the thickness you want Tips: eaten p