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Mains recipes

Mains Oil Oregano Parmasan ...

put oil in the pan. Saute onions until clear then put beef in hk. Com peeled tomatoes, tomato puree, celery, cream and parsley in. Then add salt, pepper, oregano and parmasan cheese to taste. Kødsovsen confused with pasta screws. Tips: served with bague

Mains Salt Eggs Skimmed milk ...

Wheat flour, corn flour and salt are mixed together. Milk and eggs are added. Melt margerinen and pour it in the dough. Fry the pancakes.

Mains White pepper Salt Onion ...

Melt butter, sauté the cut onion by even heat. Add the flour and stir well, then add the milk to the appropriately thick consistency. Season with salt, pepper and sugar. Potatoes and fish in pieces, add, stir caution around. Serve warm with Icelandic rye

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomato, if desired. m. taste ...

Turn oven on the 200gr. Cook makaronien. Saute sausage, onion and bacon in a pan, add the chopped tomatoes and cream, boil up season with ketchup (only a little skvees), salt and pepper ... pour now the cooked macaroni in a heat-proof platter, afdrybbet and sa

Mains Fresh chives Pepper Salt ...

Plates fillet roll out and cut them into four pieces. Cut a large pocket in each chicken breast fillet. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Sauté them in a little butter and season with salt and pepper. Pipe champignongerne along with friskosten, and

Mains Lemon slices for garnish Capers Pepper ...

Mix the meat with the grated onion and form forcemeat for four oval karbonader. Sprinkle with pepper and brown them in fat on either side. Sprinkle them with a little salt, turn down the heat and fry them finished, as they now desired. Grøntsagsstuvning: cut t

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Saithe fillets reversed in a sweet chili sauce and breadcrumbs and half the sesame seeds. The fish fry in oil at medium heat until it is crispy and light brown. The noodles are cooked in boiling water about 3. minutes, drained and reversed with fresh choppe

Mains Or 1 ds. chopped tomatoes Vegetable soup (gapazio-on bottle) Lasagna/pasta plates as needed ...

Brown the chopped onion in a pan with a little butter. Put the beef then down along with the Roasted Onion. Add vegetable gravy (or chopped tomatoes) until the kødsovsen get the right consistency. After it has been up to boil you then add spices to taste. Whil