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Mains recipes

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Boil the pasta. Come bacon + slice chopped cocktail sausages on a dry forehead (get about 4 slices of 1 sausage) .Stuffed for bacon is completely done. Make a dressing of cremefraishe and tomato sauce bring some salt and pepper into it. Put the pasta in the

Mains Basil Chili Olive oil ...

Bring a refractory dish and put the baking pan and butter it with olive oil so you are sure the cheese does not melt. Cut the cheese into blocks, for example. 4x4, pour peeled tomatoes, and parsley, basil and chili. Put in the oven until the cheese melts sl

Mains Curry Milk Margarine ...

The hearts are trimmed for obstruction, fat and tendons and cut into the toes of about 2-3 to 2-3 cm. The hearts are browned in margarine and parsley added. Take care that the hearts do not get too much heat as they can become rubbery. Water is added until it

Mains Button mushrooms, sliced Handful of pasta horns Small handful of brocollibuketter ...

The parsnips are boiled tenderly and taken from the heat and the water is poured out. On a pan, the vegetables are almost sweetened in a little oil or margarine. When the vegetables are almost tender add the pasta corn and mix with the vegetables. tips: O

Mains Eggs Peas Feta ...

Mix it all together, the margarine on the pan between the heat and put a big spoon of mixture on the forehead, turn when the rice is crispy Tastes so good only imagination sets limits on filling

Mains Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

Brown the beef in a pot, Then onion and garlic. Then mix the onions and meat with the chopped chopped tomatoes and put the spices in. Then either milk or cream. Bechamelsauce: melt 25 g margarine and mix with flour, then mix with milk and cheese until it

Mains Pepper Oil Salt ...

You must first lubricate the oil and then you will add a little salt and pepper and finally you will lay the brown dough over the whole salmon. NOTE the salmon should only be GRILLED ON SKIN SIDE !! And it just tastes nice: D tips: It tastes nice: D

Mains Basil Pigs head Pigs knuckle ...

Get the butcher to fix the pig head. Put the head and shank in cold water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Foam thoroughly. Bring salt, porridge pepper and celery top in the water together with 1 whole-plated onion. Boil until the meat is tender and f