Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley ...

Cut the vegetables into smaller pieces. Chop the parsley and garlic finely. RIDs the duck breasts criss-cross on the fat side. Be careful not to cut into the flesh. Came the breasts on a very hot iron pan with fat side down. Increased by approximately 3-4 m

Mains Glazed water chestnuts Mashed potatoes flavored with soy Oil for frying ...

Roast duck breasts skin side down with golden brown. Flip them. Remember to Brown the flesh side also. Deep fast pieces of meat in the boiling water and dry them well. This process will remove superfluous fat. In addition to the Court can be made in good time

Mains Potatoes as needed Ande Fund (oscars) or chicken stock (strong) Berberiande breasts ...

The breasts with skin side down in a pan without fat and FRY for 10 minutes. Then they are taken from the Pan and place onto a killer Board, where we carefully cut it now crispy skins from. On top of the Pan and frying in duck fat again in 15-20 minutes low

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Brown duck breast on the skin side. Rose chest 8-10 minutes on each side. Tag duck breast up, cover it and let it soak in 10-15 minutes. The sauce: vegetables are cleaned, finthakkes and sauté in the pan for a few minutes. Came white wine and tomato puree a

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Skin side of andebryst fillets by scratches. The meat is fried on a frying pan, skin side down first with ca. 10 min., then approx. 8 min. with the flesh side down. The meat rests, while the sauce is prepared. Sauce: finely chopped orange peel of one Orange

Mains Pepper Salt Karl johan mushrooms ...

Bacon cut into 1 cm pieces. The cherry tomatoes cut into quarters. Karljohan mushrooms picked in small pieces. Duck breasts by scratches in the skin. Duck breasts fried on pan and kept warm in the oven. Bacon strips fried crisp on the forehead in duck fa

Mains Apples and pears Sugar or sugar Pickled prune plums or prunes macerate ...

A duck or goose be able and most of the fat is removed. Fill with apples or pears with the skin on, pickled prune plums or prunes macerate. FRY in the usual way. Duck fat is melted in a pan with brown sugar or sugar, invert 1 hvidkåls head cut into 8 parts (no

Mains Little vinaigre Pepper Salt ...

Take the ducks out and rub them with salt and pepper inside and outside. Brown them in butter in a large frying pan. Set the oven at 200 degrees. Roast ducks a half-hour time-the last 5 minutes with open ovnlåge. Take the ducks out and let them cool off. Cut t