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Mains recipes

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

The ducks are cleaned, rinsed, dried and seasoned. Brown in butter, put in a warm oven at 200 ° for 25 minutes. Chest cut from just before serving. Venison broth, orange juice and must be cooked together. Ginger and soy is added. Boil down with half of the but

Mains Juniper Color Corn flour ...

Udben Club meeting if this is not done. It doesn't have to be super nicely, since it must be wound. Got bacon inside the Club, and season with Juniper, thyme, and pepper. Close the mallet, and lace it with string. Place it in a dish with a bit of water i

Mains Nutmeg Olive oil Pepper ...

Put the fillets in a bowl and mariner in red wine and oil for about 30 minutes fry them for about 20 minutes in a pan with salt and pepper. Let the fillets pull out on a piece of staniol in about 2 minutes and then slice them diagonally off to get larger slice

Mains Juniper Pepper Red wine ...

Slice the breast meat by fasanerne Fry pheasant breasts in a little oil with thyme and Juniper when the meat has gotten a little color, pour the cream in. Turn down and let simmer for 25 minutes or to the meat is finished. If there is too little moisture in, p

Mains Balsamic vinegar Bouillon cube Lemon juice ...

Wild Duck thighs cut from, as it is only the breasts to be used. Wild duck without legs Brown in a frying pan and FRY in oven 10 to 15 minutes at 200 degrees. The thighs of Brown and cooked with water and bouillon cube. Sauté of cinnamon sticks with t

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Bank kødskiverne quite thin with an events Put pine nuts, raisins and cheese as well as salt and pepper at kødskiverne. Scroll along and set of 3 rolls on each skewer Flip the rollers in the breadcrumbs. Barbecue deer rollers about 5 min. on each side,

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Buy any ducks, which are plucked instead fir peeled, as they are the most succulent. Wash the ducks thoroughly and dry them. put thighs and wings up with kødnåle. Brown fat in a frying pan and Brown the ducks and the innards on all sides. Put the duck

Mains Chopped thyme and parsley Pepper Salt ...

Rinse ducks inside and outside and dry them in paper towel. The ducks are brown in half of the butter and oil. Be taken up and the fat poured from. Clip the parsley coarsely. Chop the garlic and Juniper Berry. Cut bacon slices into coarse cubes. It's all