Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains White pepper Salt Cream cheese ...

Mix flødeosten with parsley, chives, salt and pepper Favour the stuffing on the fillets and roll them together Put the fillets in a dish and cover the dish. Steam the fish in the microwave at 800 Watts for approx. 3 minutes. Server which dish with potatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Toothpick ...

Preparation: chop onion, 1 garlic and herbs finely, squeeze limejuice out over them and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Stir it all together in a bowl and favor it over rødspætternes one side. Roll the fillets together into small sausages and put a toothpick in

Mains Dill, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the plaice fillets with salt and pepper, a little lemon juice well with Dill on the one page. Roll the salmon fillets into the plaice fillets with the spicy side toward the salmon. Take a small dish. Put water, white wine, crushed garlic, coriander

Mains Flute Potatoes Parsley ...

Cut carrots on pommesfritesjernet. Cut celery and Leek coarsely. Came the vegetables in a mikroegnet dish. Cover and steam in the microwave 4 min at 900 w. Advantage the spinach on fish fillets and season with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Put salmon on and roll

Mains Tarragon Pasta Chives ...

Rinse and dry the plaice fillets. Stir the butter with salt, tarragon, dill and chives. Favor butter mixture on the fillets and roll them together. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mushrooms into slices. Sauté the vegetables

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Sea salt Spray of good oil ...

The fish rolled with washed, fresh dill and parsley and place in an ovenproof dish with the collection down. The rollers sprinkled with salt, pepper, lemon juice and grated lemon peel and a spray of oil. Steamed in the oven at 200 degrees for 12 minutes. Leeks

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Butter the fillets with the mustard and add chopped parsley and half the finely chopped onion and garlic over. Tires each fillet with a slice of letstegt bacon, there must not be crisp. Roll the fillets and hold them together with toothpicks or small skewers.

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh chopped Mint or 0.5 TSP. dried ...

Fillets of plaice were found inside or buy them as fillets Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, halve them lengthwise and roll them together in a baking dish with the rollers Style low edges and pour white wine over bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200