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Recipes with Yeast

Bread, buns & biscuits Raisins Salt Dried apricots ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Pour finger-warm water, approx. 37 degrees in and stir the yeast into it. Add olive oil, salt, nuts and rosemary and mix well. Bring the flour, but save a little to the roll. Bring it well through to a smooth dough and then let

Cakes Lemon grated zest and juice of which Salt Dark poppy seeds ...

Crumble. Yeast down in a bowl. Melt the fat and put the milk. Let it get wet warm 37 degrees. Pour the mixture over the yeast and stir until the yeast is dissolved, add salt, sugar, grahamsmel and 4 dl. Of wheat flour. Work the dough together to make it

Mains Wheat flour Water Soybean oil ...

Dough: Dissolve yeast into the water and mix the rest of the ingredients. Cream, egg, oil, cremefraiche mix together and season with salt and pepper. Onions, peppers, cchampignon and spinach are spiced in margarine on the forehead. The dough is put in a gre

Bread, buns & biscuits Carnation Ground ginger Hvidtøl ...

Pour one ½ l of white flour into a bowl, crumble the yeast and stir until it is completely dissolved. Melt fat in a saucepan, add the syrup and the rest of the whitening roll. Let it get wet. Pour the mixture into the bowl and add salt, ginger, cloves, pomeran

Bread, buns & biscuits Butter or margarine Syrup Hot water ...

Pour rye or wheat grains, rye flour and water into a pan. Leave it to stand for 12 hours so that the grain becomes soft. Boil it with stirring and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour it into a bowl and allow it to cool to the fingertips. Stir out the yeast with a li

Bread, buns & biscuits Icing sugar Sugar Eggs ...

Crumble the yeast in a bowl, pour cold milk over and stir. Add sugar and wheat flour slightly at a time, and work fat in the dough with an electric whip. Sprinkle slightly over and allow the dough to rise for 10 minutes. Put the dough on a floured table and kn

Bread, buns & biscuits Yogurt Salt Raisins ...

Chop the apricots. Crumble the yeast in a bowl. Heat the water to the fingers and pour it over the yeast. Stir around until the yeast is dissolved. Add porridge, rye flour, wheat flour, raisins and salt and mix well. Eat the dough on a flour plate, approx. 5 m

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Honey Salt ...

Dough: Honey and salt come into the water and the yeast is piped out. The flour is added and the dough is well kneaded. Set cover for raising 1½ hours. Then the dough is formed into a slightly elongated bread approx. 1 to 1½ cm high. It is laid on the baking s