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Recipes with Yeast

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil for lubrication of the baking plate Salt Feta cheese, crumbled ...

The yeast is dissolved in lukewarm water and mixed with flour, grahamsmel, olive oil and salt. Be well together for a smooth dough in a large bowl. Keep some flour left, as it is different how much liquid flour can absorb. The dough is covered for raisin

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Oil Oregano ...

The water is lounged for approx. 37 degrees. Yeast, oil, honey, salt, oregano, parmesan and sun-dried tomatoes are added and everything is mixed well. The flour is added and the dough is kneaded until it is smooth. Raises for an hour. Shut down and kneel again

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Oil Salt ...

Stir yeast into water. The remaining ingredients are stirred in the dough and it is well-kneaded. Let it rise for 30 minutes. The dough is thrown down and rolled to an elongate surface. Cheese and olives (without stone) spread over the bread rolled together

Bread, buns & biscuits Currants or raisins Together the beaten egg Eggs ...

Melt the butter over low heat. Pour the butter into a bowl, pour the milk into it and dissolve the yeast. Beat the saffron with 1 teaspoon. Sugar and let the threads pull in the boiling water. Get it in the milk mixture. Add eggs and sugar and whip easily. Bri

Mains Dough Pepper Salt ...

Yeasts are piped out in lukewarm water. Oil, salt and half of the flour are added. The rest of the flour is stirred for a while, until the dough releases the bowl, but has not become too firm. The dough is thoroughly kneaded and then raised for raising while t

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh basil ...

Dough: Margarine is melted in a saucepan. The milk is added. The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Reef potatoes added. Bring salt and pepper in. The flour is added slightly at a time to appropriate consistency. The dough is kneaded well and raises 30 mi

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Lukewarm water ...

Stir yeast into the water. Add the other ingredients and flour until it becomes a smooth dough. Let it stand and raise for a couple of hours, preferably longer. Slice the dough through and roll it thinly and stick round "dough" with a diameter of approx. 12

Mains Pepper Eggs Small fresh chili ...

The margarine is melted in a saucepan. The milk is added. The yeast is poured into the lukewarm milk. Reef potatoes added. Bring salt and pepper in. The flour is added slightly at a time to appropriate consistency. The dough is kneaded well and raises 30 minut