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Recipes with Yeast

Bread, buns & biscuits Poppy seeds Sesame seeds Salt ...

Crumble the yeast and pour it into the water. Add salt and flour and knead the dough smoothly. Divide the dough into 6 and form them into bowls. Replaced covered on the table approx. 30 minutes. Roll each bowl very thin with a cake roll on a grated table and p

Bread, buns & biscuits Bicarbonate of soda Salt Milk ...

Lean the milk and stir the yeast out of it. Add water, soda, salt and oil and finally the flour. Work the dough well and let it rise for a couple of hours. Divide the dough into 12 pieces and roll them out in ½ cm. Thick circles. Heat an iron pan and bag the b

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Melt the butter, add and stir the yeast out of it. Mix salt, sugar, nigellafrø and approx. 300 g. Of the flour in the liquid. More flour, as the dough can take it, but only as long as it is still smooth. Put the dough blank on the table. Bring some oil into th

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Findel the yeast in the dumplings. Pour some of the warm milk over. Stir the yeast smoothly and put the rest of the milk in. Melt the butter, but do not let it warm. Bring the butter together with salt, sugar and most of the flour. Bring the dough well through

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Wholemeal rye flour Yeast ...

Stir water and yeast together. Add salt, olive oil, rye flour and most of the wheat flour. Eat more flour, until the dough has a good consistency and knead the dough thoroughly so that it is smooth and tender. Let the dough raise loose and covered in the bowl

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Salt Water ...

Pour most of the flour into a bowl. Pour the absolutely ice-cold water over and knead it 8-10 minutes. Use a stirrer or hand mixer, but stop the mixer a couple of times, it is best to work for a few minutes at a time. It is important that the dough is kneaded

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg white Salt Wheat flour ...

The yeast is crumbled in the dumplings. Pour 1 dl. Lukewarm water over. Stir the yeast smoothly and pour the rest of the water in. Add bowl, flax seed, sesame seeds, oil, salt, sift flour and most of the wheat flour. Bring the dough well together and add more

Bread, buns & biscuits Nut oil or cold-pressed rapeseed oil Hot water Salt ...

The yeast is crumbled in the bowl. Mix buttermilk and water. Pour it over the yeast and stir it smoothly. Add nuts, oil, salt and most of the flour. Eat the dough thoroughly and long. Add more flour until the dough just drops the bowl but still is quite soft.