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Recipes with White wine vinegar

Lunch Rye bread Acacia honey Salt ...

Herring fillets sprinkled with spices, salt and FRY in butter about 2 min. on each side. Mango peeled, stone removed, flesh cut into both. The apples cut into both. Orange juice, wine vinegar, pink pepper and honey boiled together for about 2 min. and reversed

Lunch Dill, fresh Little pickle from the herrings Sherry. dry ...

Cut herrings into 2-2 ½ cm wide pieces. Layer: crush the juniper berries, peppercorns and Bay easily. Boil the ingredients for brine, except sherry, together, home, if desired. with ¼ dl sugar and came to taste more sherry in brine is chilled, of. Herrin

Lunch Green bell pepper Onion Pepper ...

Herring fillets cut into pieces. Lage: Tomato juice, white port wine and oil whisked together. The sugar dissolves in the heated vinegar, mix in and tilsmages with pepper and thyme. Herring added in and should pull in the brine for at least 4 hours, but

Mains Væden from the fruit Mixed fruit (400 g) Diet margarine ...

Let the fruit drain. Save væden. Mix fruit-væden with mustard in a large bowl for a marinade and style 3 ½ dl to page. Put kyllingestykkeme in the marinade. Make sure that the chicken is completely covered by the marinade. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigera

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt White wine vinegar ...

Beef Tenderloin: Sprinkle beef tenderloin with pepper. Then put the tarragon sprigs around the beef tenderloin and eventually sausage, ham. Put the loin on a rack in a roasting pan and roast beef tenderloin in the middle of the oven. Take the roast out and goa

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Canola oil ...

Celery dealt, the top is cut off (the tender leaves and ca. 2 stems are stored). Flour, salt and water together to invert the paste is smooth, not sticky but still coherent. The dough rolled out and packed tightly around the tuber-then bake in the oven at 160

Mains Santa maria Curry sumatra Water Kyllingefilét, diced ...

OSCAR Tomato Base is stirred into the water during the heating and boiling 2-3 min. Rub chicken pieces with curry Sumatra and garlic. Fry the meat in the oil for a few minutes. Add the onion and saute them until they are golden brown. Add diced tomatoes, white

Mains White wine vinegar Grated lemon rind Rosemary or pine needles ...

Get EVS. the butcher to loosen the fillet from the back, so that the ribs will be sitting back. Get the final leg home, when you need them for the sauce. Brown legs and soup herbs on hot frying pan or in the oven at 185 degrees C for about 25 minutes, put t