Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Make a hole in the middle of the meat. Cheese mixed with basil, and fill the hole with mass. Com salt & pepper on the meat and Brown it on all sides. Then put the meat in a preheated oven at 160 ° C for approx. 10 min. If you want less red meat, so give it

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The onion cut into thick slices, the meat dabbed dry and sprinkled with flour, melt the butter in a large frying pan, sauté onion rings Golden and taken up again. The meat in the Pan, and Brown lightly on all sides, then add the onions again. Tomato purren is

Mains Pepper Salt Rabbit at 1.2-1.5 kg ...

Share rabbit in serving pieces, IE. the back is split into four pieces, thighs cut of and shared if necessary. once and the front legs are cut from the body. Turn the pieces in salt-and pepper mixed flour. Cut the onions in narrow boats, leek and carrots into

Mains Chopped Chervil Great filleted garfish Butter ...

Clean the fish and remove all boundaries. The fish is filleted and legs removed with a knife, purchased the fish fherner fishmonger like leg Skalotte onions chopped fine and Sauté lightly in a pan. Mussels with white wine, add a little water and the finely cho

Mains Chopped Chervil Whole Chervil Filleted garfish ...

Filetér the fish, and remove the legs with a knife (do not cut through skin) make sure that all the little green scales are completely gone. Set to steam the mussels with white wine, a little water and the forsauterede finely diced shallots and garlic. The

Mains Lemon Hollandaise sauce and beetroot horseradish salad Potatoes cut into both and smeared in oil ...

Rinse the fish sprinkle with parsley, parmesan, drizzle with lemon and salt and pepper to taste. Close the fish together, possibly. then wrap the fish in the silver scroll. ask the leaf and place in an ovenproof dish. Add the white wine and bake at 200 degrees

Mains Salt Bay leaf Large onion ...

The fish is scraped and trimmed and sprinkled with salt. It draws 10 minutes, rinsed and dried. Onions, shallots and garlic peeled and chop fairly fine. The different onion cooked along with wine, parsley, thyme, peppercorns and bay leaf in good heat until

Mains Corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Fintsnittet pointed cabbage and red onions Sauté in butter and seasoned with salt, pepper and lime juice. The fish rolled with the cooled stuffing and held together with kødnåle. Reversed in rye flour and FRY Golden on the forehead. Onions and chives chop a