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Recipes with White wine

Appetizers Dill Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Fish fillets rolled together from the tail and be fastened with a toothpick. Fish fillets steamed in white wine, added a little salt until tender. It can be done in the oven or in a pan with a lid. Beware the fish not boiling in pieces. Lagen sies from crayfis

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Eggs ...

Roast pine kernels on a dry pan. Boil fettucinen in a large saucepan, drain and keep warm. Make the beans into a position and cut them into smaller pieces. Sauté onion and garlic in oil in 3 min. Saute champignongerne with in 1 min. Pour wine, cream and broth

Mains Pepper Chives to taste Salt ...

The fish cut into appropriate pieces, the raw shrimp peeled and split lengthwise, remove any. intestine (the black string) from the prawns. Potatoes and onions cut into cubes. Onions, potatoes and shrimp fry in butter, seasoned with salt/pepper. Add scallops a

Mains Brown sugar Fisheries Fund (hull from turbot) Pepper ...

Pighvaren cut in four Nice fillets. The large fillets cut into and stored. Fish meat and the two small fillets blended together with eggs, cream and crushed chocolate and salt and pepper to taste. Advantage forcemeat on turbot fillets, and then they are ready

Appetizers Chervil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the lower part of the asparagus from. Cook them about 4 minutes in salted water. Take them up and got them directly in cold water for a few minutes. Slice the asparagus heads from 12 for garnish. Cut the turbot fillet into small pieces and blend it with

Appetizers Parsley Chives Salt ...

The detoxified turbot fillets out in a saucepan, pour over the white wine. Turbot are brought to a boil over low heat, when white wine is boiling up off the heat. Let the turbot pull to the bed sheet is cold China radish, leek and cucumber cut julienne (i.e

Mains Pepper Salt Soup powder ...

Chicken meat and soup powder is stirred together in a bowl. Spiskefulde of forcemeat is shaped into buns. Oil is heated in a thick-bottomed pan. Gently fry the dough balls in a single layer for even heat for 5 min., or until they are roasted on all sides. A

Mains Red chili fruit Celery in small cubes Chicken ...

Part 4-8 the chicken in pieces. Cut the backbone and wingtips. Season the chicken pieces with Tandoori spice, brown them in oil, take them up. keep chicken pieces warm. Saute the onion, celery, garlic and chili easily in the fat. Add the tomato concentrate and