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Recipes with White cabbage

Soups Bouillon cube Lemon balm A little butter ...

Ox bow be in abundant salted water and brought to the boil. 2-3 hours to cook the meat is tender. Beets, cabbages, gulerød, celery, onion and Leek chop finely. FRY in a little butter or oil. Tomato puree, oksebov, boil water, extra water and bouillon

Mains Pepper Salt White cabbage ...

White cabbage chop. Brown sugar in a saucepan and add the butter. The cabbage is poured into the Pan and Brown well, then the entire piece of pork in the middle of the Pan and the cabbage are packed well up at battle it out and add a little water. The right

Mains Suit Salt Butter ...

The meat is cut into smaller pieces and Brown in fat when it is well browned take it up. Now Brown cabbage, which is cut into thin slices, along with about 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt and suit. When the cabbage is Brown and oily, battle it out in, and t

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube, ox ...

The meat is shaped into patties and grilled free of fat. The steaks are met over in a pan, where they are crushed and added to curry, salt and pepper. White cabbage chop finely and the carrots cut into slices. The vegetables added along with tomato pa

Mains Coleslaw Salt Sour cream ...

Boil first cross-rope shared by the legs in salted water in a large pot to put Bay leaves in about 2 hours for the meat is tender but do not go from one another. Boil brine can subsequently frozen and stored to the Fund or soup for another day. Arrow oni

Soups Lemon Pepper Parsley ...

All vegetables are cleaned and carrot, parsley root, cabbage and celery cut into thin slices. Squash'en, Aubergine and the peeled potatoes cut into cubes, pebrene into strips and tomatoes into slices. All vegetables, except potatoes, tomatoes and peppers, s

Mains Bay leaves Oil Parmesan cheese ...

Cabbage chopped and blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes. Koteletterne Brown on the pan. Onion in oil, add garlic should be clarified and then the cabbage, steamed for most of the liquid is gone. The forehead which is koteletterne rose afkoges with white wi

Sides Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Share the cabbage into quarters, remove the stalk and cut the cabbage into coarse strips. The steamed until tender in salted water about 10 mins and placed in a strainer. When the cabbage sprinkled by, run it through the mincer and place in pan. Add the butter