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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Chocolate sauce Chocolate buttons Oreo biscuits ...

Bottom: Melt the butter. Stir the biscuits to a nice lot in the kitchen appliance or with an electric pan and mix with melted butter. Pour the mass into a spring shape 24 cm Cream: Pour flour and stewed Philadelphia into a bowl and whip it into a creamy c

Mains Cucumber Sour cream 8% Carrots ...

You take 6-10 large potatoes and divide them into 4 pieces, then take 4-6 carrots and cut them into slices. How to do: Bring 500 grams of minced beef in a saucepan, then add ½ liter of whipped cream, ½ liters of milk, a small can of tomato paste, add to the po

Soups Basil Lemon juice Flute ...

Peel onion and garlic. Cut onions in tern and garlic in very small pieces. Also cut tomatoes, squash, eggplant and peppers in small terns. Put onion and garlic in large saucepan. Put tomatoes, squash, eggplant and pepper in the pan. Add tomato paste and cho

Sauces A quarter of oksebouillion mixed with 1 dl water Madkulør Corn flour Brown thickens ...

Onions first and then and mushrooms are browned in oil or butter. Additionally, oxebouillion and water are added. Let it boil. White wine poured into boil. Whipped cream added and food balls. Finally, tends to achieve the thickness you want, salt and pep

Desserts (cold) Egg yolks past Vanilla Icing sugar ...

Eggs, flour and vanilla are whipped to an airy mass. Whip the whipped cream to whipped cream. Chop the giant turtles and bring them and the whipped cream into the egg yolks. The mass is filled in a spring form and placed in a freezer for 3-5 hours.

Drinks (cold) Chocolate vermicelli Whipped cream Cold coffee ...

Put ice cubes, cocoa and coffee in the blender, and blend for ice cubes has become small crystals. Then pour the mixture into a glass and spray if necessary. Whipped cream on top, and sprinkle the cream over. And wiped, you have an easy homemade IceBlend :)

Mains A little oil to lubricate with Pepper Salt ...

Pour milk, cream and garlic into a pan. Heat up to the boiling point. When it starts to bubble small on the sides, take the saucepan off the heat and cool off a little. Peel the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices, for example. On a mandolin iron.

Desserts (patisserie) Milk Vanilla cream Chocolate ...

First whip the vanilla cream as indicated on the package (eg 5 dl milk for a bag). While stiffening, take the bottoms of the cream balls (the bottoms are stored for later use). The actual cream balls are mixed with the vanilla cream. The layer cake is put tog