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Recipes with Whipped cream

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream Vanilla sugar Egg yolk, pasteurised ...

Whip egg yolks, sugar and vanilla until it becomes airy and almost completely white. Whip the cream into a light foam and do not whip it in the airy egg yolks.

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Stir the minced beef with egg, add the cream a little and stir well. Add potato flour and stir well. Then stir chopped beetroot, a bit of red-bed juice, finely chopped onions, chopped parsley, soy, salt and pepper in. Form the father as a little french brea

Cakes in form EVS. cocoa and grated chocolate for garnish Cinnamon Digestive biscuits ...

Crush the digestive biscuits well and mix in the melted butter. Spread it in a smooth layer at the bottom of a spring shape (about 22 cm in diameter) Put the chocolate in water bath and let it cool a bit. Whip the cream to foam. Add cream and coffee to the

Desserts (cold) Chocolate shavings or grated chocolate Water Dark chocolate ...

Casserole: flour and cocoa are sieved in a bowl. Rub the butter with your fingers until it looks like a dark rasp. Stir the sugar dish. Add water until the dough becomes soft. Bring the dough into foil and lay in the refrigerator for approx. 15min. Roll out t

Mains Pepper Dill, fresh Salt ...

Onion quickly swirls in a saucepan, then add beef and brune. Finally, add salt and spices. It is spread to the bottom of a dish or pie. The potatoes are cut into thin slices and laid in layers on top. Flow the cream and sprinkle with salt. Bake in the oven f

Sauces Pepper Salt Butter ...

The butter is melted in a pan together with the tomato paste. Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Rosemary and Worcester Sauce mix and cook a little so the sugar caramelizes a little. Whiskey poured on and cooked to the boil the smell disappears. The whip flow is po

Desserts (cold) Orange juice thereof Lemon juice thereof Chocolate ...

Peel the bananas and cut them into thin slices. Moss them with a fork. Pour the juice of a lemon and an orange over and mix it all carefully. Chop the chocolate in coarse and whip the cream stiff. Add the chocolate and mix it carefully with the banana mash.

Desserts (cold) Nectarine Honey Fresh figs ...

Cut the fruits into smaller pieces-remove the stone from the nectarine and spread it in 6 glasses Honnigfløde Whip the cream for a light foam and turn the honey into it and taste the cream in the 6 glasses Decorate with orange and mint and servers immed