Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whipped cream

Sauces Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Melt the butter and add the rest of the ingredients. Warm up and serve (do not boil). tips: Fits perfectly with a chop with green.

Desserts (cold) Crushed pistachio nuts or coconut Toast (borderless) Whole milk ...

Remove the edges of the toast and shake them. Bring so many toast in the bottom of a large pan until they fill the entire bottom. Bring the sugar into a saucepan, stir for 2 minutes at high temperature and then add water. Let it boil while stirring until th

Appetizers Cayenne pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Stir the mayonnaise together with the cream. Add tomato sauce and worcester. Season with salt and pepper. Rinse the salad, use the inner leaves. Decorate with lemon slice. tips: Be careful with the pepper it is very strong

Desserts (cold) Grain from 0.5 bar vanilla or tablespoon vanilla powder Milk Granulated sugar ...

The egg yolks and 100g sugar are whipped bright and foaming for approx. 15 min. The strawberries are blended with 50g sugar, 1dl milk and vanilla. The cream is whipped to whipped cream. The oyster and strawberry straw are now stirred together into a homogen

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Whipped cream ...

Cut potatoes and sausages into smaller pieces. Arrow and heel loosened. Let the butter turn golden and turn it for approx. In my Add the peppers and sausages and let it sweat for approx. 3 min. Turn to even heat and add potatoes, tomato sauce and other ingr

Desserts (patisserie) 5 storey wedding cake stand All the cooled blueberries sylt Blueberry bombs-bombs to freeze my. the day before the wedding cake should be finally together ...

Walnut bread: Walnut vegetables: sugar and walnuts are first mixed thoroughly in a food processor. The egg whites are added only when the nuts are as well blended as possible. Let the "crop" run for a few minutes. The porridge is poured into a large bowl. M

Desserts (cold) 2.5 dl Possibly a little Strawberry Jam Whipped cream ...

The egg whites whistle airy but not rigid. Add the sugar on the way slightly at a time while still whipping. Stop first when Marengsen is completely stiff & amp; chewy. Pour them in the oven at 120 degrees for one hour. Crush them now and match them with

Mains Marinade Cayenne pepper Pepper ...

Cut the chicken into long strips across the fiber so that it gets tender. Bring all marinade and chicken in a bag, long before frying. Pour everything in the frying pan. Add a little water (1dl) to make the meat really cooked in the marinade. When all the w