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Recipes with Vinegar

Sides Vinegar Salt Sugar ...

The red cabbage is divided into four parts and the stick is cut away. The cabbage is cut well and placed in a pan of melted butter. Sugar is sprinkled over the cabbage and it turns into the butter for approx. 10 minutes. Then add ribs, vinegar and water that b

Sides Salt Red cabbage. raw Red currant juice. cute. concentrated ...

The red cabbage is cut well. The butter is melted in a large pot and the cabbage is brought in, after which all other ingredients in the cabbage are brought to boil. Boiled approx. 45 minutes. Serving: Served hot for pork stew, duck, medists, meatballs and

Cakes Kiwi fruits, apricots, strawberries or other fresh fruit in slices Vinegar Salt ...

The egg whites are whipped stiff. The water is added a spoonful at a time during whipping. Flormelis is sifted in two turns. Finally stir the maizena, salt, vanilla sugar and vinegar i. Place the mixture on a baking sheet coated with baking paper lubricated wi

Pickling EVS. preservative Curry Mustard powder ...

Cut for example. Cauliflower, shallots, beans and carrots in small pieces. Put the carrots in a bowl of 3 tablespoons of water and give them 2 min at full effect 600w. Mix all the vegetables together in a bowl, pour the vinegar and give them 5 min. Take the ve

Pickling EVS. preservative Whole cinnamon Red chili ...

Peel the tomatoes with a fork and put them in a bowl of vinegar and water. Give them 5 min. At full power 600w. Turn sugar, spices, whole chili and slices of peeled ginger in and give them 5-8 min. more. Add if necessary. Preservative, fill the pickled tomatoe

Lunch Cut dill Apple vinegar Salt ...

Cut the fillets into pieces or leave them whole. Mix water, apple vinegar and salt to make and pour it over the herring. Leave it cold for approx. 3 hours. To the sauce stir all the ingredients in the mustard in that order. Pour the sauce over the herring and

Desserts (patisserie) Whipped cream Strawberries (or other berries) Baking soda ...

Sugar and margarine are stirred together, add one egg at a time and stir well in between. The dry ingredients are mixed and stirred in the dough. The dough is divided into two lubricated molds and baked at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Whip egg whites, sugar and

Lunch A piece of carrot Water Hermes etas dryslet ...

Clean the herring and put it in soft overnight. Cut the herring into small pieces. Crush the peppercorns roughly. Peel the carrot and arrow loose. Bring the water to boil and add spices. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Add the onion and carrot cut into slices and