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Recipes with Vinegar

Cold cuts Vinegar Feldt lettuce for garnish Oil ...

Salmon and chopsticks are chopped finely and added coarsely sliced ​​oysters. The mixture draws a little before spice with salt and pepper. The tomatoes are freed for kernels and chopped well with a cookie knife and placed in a bowl. Add finely chopped garlic

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The oats are cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are cleaned and cut into thin strips. The porridge is cut into small rings. The butter is heated and the mushrooms rose golden and are then taken from the forehead. The vegetables are roasted and broth added, b

Mains Pepper Salt Pineapple ...

Cut the sliced ​​sliced ​​sliced ​​and turn them into corn starch mixed with salt and pepper. Whip egg whites together with 1 tablespoon of soya and vinegar and turn the meat in. Stir it golden in a warm wok with oil. Add finely chopped ginger, garlic and slic

Pickling Salt Allspice Fintsnittede rhubarb ...

Rhubarb and onion boil in vinegar for 20 minutes. Gone and cracked spices are added, as well as whole spices packed in gauze. Allow it to boil while stirring and boil 10 minutes until the mass is soft and even. The spices in the gaze are removed. Preserv

Mains A little pepper Cucumber Whole peppers ...

Boil water with salt and pepper in a large pot. Take the pan off the plate and put the salmon slices in. Cook again and take the pan off the plate and leave the salmon slices in the pan approx. 15 min. (Do not boil). Place them on a warm dish. Cut the cucum

Appetizers Egg for brushing Pepper Salt ...

Bring flour and salt in a bowl. Cut the butter into cubes and rub them with the flour until it looks like the fried cheese. Add eggs, vinegar and water and knead the dough together into a sphere. Grab the dough in foil and put it in the fridge while filling.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Smoked halibut is cut into slices. The spinach is rinsed and blanched and chopped roughly, then sautéed in the pot, set the water to be evaporated. Whip cream is added and cooked evenly. The eggs are poached in water and vinegar.

Appetizers Caviar Pepper Chives ...

The avocados are blended and seasoned with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Recipe the smoked slices of halibut as butterfly wings on the plate. Embellishes the avocado in the middle. Place lettuce leaves. Oil and vinegar mix and pour over the salad. Decorate