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Recipes with Vinegar

Appetizers Vinegar Thick tomato puree Wheat flour ...

Half of the fishfare spread out into a greased, refractory dish. Well-squeezed asparagus nuts are laid on and covered with the rest of the dad. Melted butter dripped over. The dish is baked for 25 minutes. At 175 degrees and served immediately with Choronsauce

Salads Red bell pepper, diced Tuna naturel Sour cream ...

Beat the shrimps and let them drip into a sieve. Save approx. 10 pcs. for decoration. Cut potatoes, carrots and eggs in the tern and put it in a bowl together with red pepper and shrimp. Separate the teaspoon with a fork and spread it on top of the salad. Stir

Pickling Thick stalks of purslane (500 g cleaned) Vanila Atamonpulver or 1 tsp. liquid atamon ...

The cleaned stems are cut into pieces of 3 cm. Water, vinegar and sugar are stirred together and brought to boil. Stir the dishes and cook for 3-5 minutes. Vanila and Atamon are added. Fill in hot, Atamon-washed glass that closes. The layer can also be spiced

Pickling Fresh dill Thick, juicy purslane stems (500 g cleaned) Water ...

The fresh leaves on the porcelain sticks can be stewed together with spinach. The cleaned stems are cut into pieces of 3 cm and put in brine. Set cool for 1 day. Vinegar, onions, bay leaves, finely chopped dill and sugar boil 5-10 min. The drained stems are pu

Mains Assorted vegetables for garnish (lettuce leaves, lovage, chives) Red bell pepper Spinach pasta ...

Pepper the fruit in a vinegar and cool. The tomatoes are blanched, the skin and the kernels are removed and chopped into small pieces with half of the peppers. Marinated in a little oil-vinegar dressing. Cut the meat, cut it lengthwise and beat it lightl

Cakes Vinegar Melted butter Water ...

First mix the butter and wheat flour for rolling out thoroughly. Roll the mixture smoothly and uniformly between two pieces of parchment paper so that it gets a size of approx. 38 x 24 cm. Set aside, cool. Mix the ingredients of the dough easily together. E

Cakes Fine salt Eggs Vinegar ...

Mix flour, water, butter, vinegar and salt for a smooth dough and style it cold and covered for an hour. Roll the dough into an oblong square, 1 cm thick, and serve thin slices of the cold but not tough butter on 2/3 of the dough. Fold it in 3 layers. Fold the

Mains Pepper Salt Freshly grated ginger ...

Cut the meat into strips. Heat the oil into a saucepan and add onion, turkey and carrot. When the meat has changed color add ginger, beans, cabbage and 5 dl. æblejjuice. Let it simmer for 5 minutes. Red maizena with the rest of the apple juice and pour the