Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sunflower kernels

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Sugar Yeast ...

Udrør the yeast in the buttermilk and oil. Add sugar and salt. Add sunflower seeds. Add so much flour that dough can take, it may not stick. Raises the exposed 6 hours. Kneaded and formed into buns. Raise the plate 1 hour. Bake 20 minutes at 200 ° c.

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Lukewarm water Fennel, if desired. stinging nettle or anise ...

The water poured out in a large ceramic dish. Honey and salt is mixed. Then add the corn and all the flour and spices. The dough is kneaded well through (it's heavy). 2 Bakeware well-lubricated with vitaquell margarine and place in, shaped like bread dough.

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Sunflower kernels Plain yogurt ...

Fill the yeast in a bowl, and stir it into the water. Add the oil, yogurt, salt and sugar. Add the sunflower seeds and wheat flour. Knead the dough well. Let dough raise to double size. Beat the dough down, and form it into 12 muffins. Set dough balls on a

Cakes Junket for brushing Wheat bran Sunflower kernels ...

Stir first all the wheat with yeast, sugar and salt. Then add the other ingredients, and stir the dough together in 2 minutes with electric beater. Tire Bowl with plastic film and mini trangia and let dough raise 7-8 hours-possibly. overnight. Beat the dough d

Salads Fresh basil Sunflower kernels Corn flour ...

Share the broccoli into small florets and cut the beans into smaller pieces and steam it lightly. Pour it into a bowl and mix with the chopped Basil and sunflower seeds. Cook the pasta. Stir in vinegar, water, sugar and corn flour together, and warm until it i

Sides EVS. 1 dl roasted bacon cubes A little red wine or white wine Raisins ...

Broccolien is divided into small florets and blanceres. Miracelwhipen, the vinegar, sugar, mix and stir a little thinner with wine. Advantage broccolien in a dish with high edge. Chop the onions finely and favor it over broccolien. Toast sunflower seeds in a f

Salads Dressing Red wine vinegar Sugar ...

Dressing: Stir Cheasy Cream with red wine vinegar and sugar. Let the dressing stand cold an hour. Cut the bacon into slices and grate it completely dark, and allow it to draw on a piece of paper towel or similar. Part broccolien into very small florets.

Salads Sugar Broccoli Red onion ...

Broccolien picked into small florets, red onion cut into small cubes. Onions, raisins and sunflower seeds out in a bowl. Mix and pour over marinade. The salad is pulling in the refrigerator until serving.