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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Sugar Quark Almonds ...

Smut and chop the almonds. Mix the almonds, flour and sugar and chop it with the butter into a grainy mass. Knead it quickly together to form a dough. Industry small tart molds with oil and cover with a thin layer of dough. Behind them in a 225-degree warm ove

Desserts (cold) Saffron threads Creme de casis Egg whites ...

Crush the Saffron threads with sugar. Beat the egg whites until stiff, whip up a spoonful of sugar in, add the Saffron threads and whisk again to the egg whites are stiff. Turn the rest of the sugar in the dough to Form with a tablespoon. 12 oval meringue on a

Desserts (cold) Egg yolk, pasteurised Sugar Vanilla pod ...

Rinse the fresh black currant layered and put them in a bowl with sugar. Shake berries, so sugar is distributed without berries is crushed. Style them cold an hour or so before they are eaten. Cream fraihce-råcreme: beat the egg yolk with sugar and grains f

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Grahams ...

Mix meltyperne with sugar and salt. Stir the yeast into a little of the milk and whisk it into the flour. Add slowly the rest of the milk, then the dough not lumps. Beat the egg and egg whites in finaly. Let dough raise 30 min. Fry small pancakes on a small pa

Pickling Atamon, liquid Lemon, the juice of which Blackcurrant, fresh ...

Blackcurrant ribbes and rinsed clean. Berries and lemon juice boil for about 5 mins. Sugar added and finally, the jam is cooked thoroughly. Lightly and add if necessary. preservation. Pour in clean glass and sealed immediately.

Pickling Dark Rum Atamonpulver Black currant ...

Rib berries of stems and blame them. Came the berries in a thick-bottomed saucepan and add the sugar and lemon juice. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Stir regularly into the pan. Add ½-1 dl dark rum and stir it in finally, the jam. Add a

Desserts (cold) Lemon balm Sugar Black currant ...

The peaches blanched for a few min. in boiling water, and skin. Ribbes currants, rinsed and boiled in sugar and water and are blended through a sieve. The peaches in four large serving glass. Red currant pureen poured over, and the dessert is made cool in an h

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Whipped cream Blackcurrant, fresh ...

Rinse black currant clean in cold water, it is not necessary to nibble them. Got them in a pan along with sugar. Boil the berries while stirring on low heat about 10 minutes, the fruit is cooked out. Pass through a sieve and the pure black currant currant p