Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cookies White foam Margarine Sugar ...

stir in margarine and sugar in 10 minutes came the flour and white foam in set the dough with 2 teaspoons. in small BLOBs far apart on a greased plate (a few cleaned currants can be laid on each cake before baking) behind those bright Brown at 200 degrees for

Cakes 2 times 1 sugar Vinegar Sugar ...

beat the egg whites until stiff and dry and add sukkert and beat between each time the whites are stiff turn gently the rest of the sugar in the dough with 2 teaspoons set on a greased plate or use an icing bag pasties can stand very close to each other behind

Cookies Eggs Deer salt Cocoa ...

whip the eggs and sukkert until it is bright yellow and frothy term cocoa flour and deer salt therein set dough with 2 teesker in small blobs on a greased plate behind them not too hot (160 degrees) for 10 minutes

Drinks (cold) Walnut kernels Eggs Water ...

Everything is mixed well together, like in the machine. Walnut kernels are molded in, finally chopped an egg in the dough so there will be a sticky mass with a lot of small lumps of dough, this lot will be honored at the plate with paper and raises to about

Cakes in form Boiling water Milk Desiccated coconut ...

Eggs sukkker whipped and breezy. The rest of the ingredients in and whisked together. The dough in a large roasting pan and bake in oven v. 200grader in 20 min. the ingredients for the butter cream is stirred together and place on the cake after it has cooled.

Desserts (cold) Berry Mads oil (sunflower oil) Salt ...

Toast hazelnuts in a frying pan. Mix sugar and water in a saucepan and warm it up. "when you get a gyldholm caramel, hazelnuts i. Boil pour just 1 minute further by blending. Pour the mixture on a metal plate or plate which are lubricated with oil. Let it be s

Appetizers Lemon juice Sour cream Good ketchup ...

Stir a dressing of ingredients thereof and set it on ice. Rinse and clean the lettuce and cut it into thin strips. Are they too long cut in smaller pieces. Serve the salad in bottom of chilled serving glass. Shrimp, crayfish tails and peas, invert gently

Mains Juice from rhubarb Cucumber Olive oil ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Scrape the potatoes, boil and cool them, and cut them into smaller pieces. Behind the rhubarb in a baking dish with the sugar for about ½ hour, until tender. Save vædeen. Fry the chicken strips in oil with salt and pepper ov