Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Salads Pineapple diced Coarse salt Curry ...

The pasta is cooked and cooled in cold water and afdrypper in a strainer. Cream fraichen is stirred with sugar salt and Curry and pineapple, add (without moisture). Must like to stand and pull slightly. When the pasta is cold and prepared from mix it all toget

Desserts (warm) Stenfri prunes, boiled in water and sugar Eggs Whole milk ...

The butter in the flour and add eggs and yolks. Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk and stir into Dough kneaded lightly and raises. to double under a towel in a warm place. Knead again and then rolled out on a table for about 1 ½ cm. Thickness. The dough

Cookies Baking powder Cream Butter ...

Butter and sugar is stirred white and antler salt added. Then stir the flour and cream in. The dough should be steady, before it rolled into thin rods, which shaped doughnut. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 10 minutes. Reversed in coarse sugar after baking.

Cookies Milk Rose water Baking soda ...

Lukewarm milk and rose water, add the sugar, then the other ingredients. The dough rolled out in thick sausages. Cut with a knife. Bake at 200 degrees C for about 8 minutes.

Cakes in form Fillet or mørdejs bottom Sugar Berry ...

The stones are taken, if necessary, out of the berries. The berries are cooked with half of the sugar until tender. So take those up with a skummeske and the juice is cooked in with the rest of the sugar to a syrupy consistency. Berries and juice is poured int

Desserts (cold) Baking soda Potato flour Lemon juice ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Make a form of wax paper so the dough can not be leaked out over the edges (put possibly peel off in some sort of staniol). Whisk eggs and powdered sugar together well. Turn the term flour, potato flour and baking soda in and a

Cakes in form Butter Egg yolk Water ...

Syrup, sugar and water, boiled and cooled. In this stir flour, bicarbonate of soda and eggs. Bake in two well oiled pie molds at 190 degrees c. in approximately 25 minutes. Butter cream is stirred together, and the cake are added together as soon as it c

Cakes Large tablespoons. cocoa Milk Butter ...

the eggs turned out into a large bowl. Sugar and vanilla sugar whipped in. Småret smældes and will be good in a little after the road, while you get the other ingredients mixed in. Dough may not not be too wet or dry. The dough must then be poured into a mold