Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Desserts (patisserie) Cinnamon to taste Baking soda Butter ...

Beat the butter and sugar together. Add one egg at a time. Then add flour and baking soda and finally the milk. Filling: apples skrældes and cut into thin slices and mix together with the sugar and cinnamon in a bowl. Butter a round ovenfast dish with fa

Cakes Allspice Eggs Ginger ...

honey and sugar melt in a pan and add a little flour, afsvaler, the rest held back the rollout. The dough is resting about 30 min. Bake at 175 * Tips: When the cakes are cooled emptied a bag of toast bread and cakes laid in alternating (bread cake) when to

Cakes Baking soda Milk or cream Butter or margarine ...

1. The oven will turn on at 175 C. 2. Add the eggs one at a time. 3. Butter/margarine and sugar is stirred together. 4. Flour, baking powder, vanilla sugar, and cocoa and milk/cream touched also in 5. Dough filled into molds. (fill only a quarter up the highli

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Wheat flour Butter ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees c. cut the rhubarb into small pieces. Got the fruit in an ovenproof dish. Mix sugar and potato flour in a cup and sprinkle it over the fruit. Came the flour in a bowl and cut the fat into small pieces and mix it together. Got

Cookies Cinnamon, ground Cardamom, ground Pepper. White ...

Stir in butter and sugar well. Stir in egg and orange zest in. mix the remaining ingredients and turn them into butter mixture. Gather the dough until it is smooth and supple. Portion dough into 8 pieces and roll them into sausages (ca. 22 cm). Cut each sau

Buffets Rye flour, wholemeal Butter Onion ...

Wash the herring fillets well and let them drain. The herrings are changed in rye flour fried in butter in a frying pan, season with salt and pepper. When they are cooled in the marinade. Lagen cooked and cooled, pour over the warm. The onion cut into ri

Cakes Egg white Chopped almonds or nuts Sugar ...

Dissolve the yeast in the cold milk, and then the flour and the other ingredients kneaded in a uniform dough. The dough is divided into three equal-sized balls. Each ball rolled out in circle shape with a diameter of approximately 25 cm. Each piece divided

Desserts (cold) Rod Polynesian oatmeal Whole milk , round grain milled ...

Half of the milk is brought up to the boil, add the rice and cook up. Vaniliestangen flækkkes and grains scraped out. Vaniliekorn and-Rod added with sugar and the rest of the milk and cook over low heat for approximately 40-45 minutes, depending on the rice us