Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Pickling Lemon juice thereof Cream Violet flowers ...

Bring water and sugar to boil and hold the violins in the layers. Peel the apples well and add them with stirring. Let the marmalade simmer until the nobles are cooked tenderly. Season with lemon juice. The chopped almonds are heated in the cream. Pour the hot

Salads L dl. mushrooms, sliced Cucumber Handful of dandelion shot ...

Nip the fresh dumplings into smaller pieces. Cut the cucumber into thin slices and mix both with the buttermilk added sugar. Freshly sliced ​​mushrooms may be sprinkled. practice.

Bread, buns & biscuits Chopped red and white clover flowers Salt Eggs ...

Mix flour, salt, sugar and baking soda and stir in milk and eggs. Bring the clover blossoms in. Melt butter and mix in the dough. This must be very wet so that the balls can be shaped with a spoon. The balls are baked on a greased baking sheet and often revers

Mains Chopped nettles chickweed violblomser red clover tusinddfryd Plantago major Canola oil Salt ...

Flour, salt and sugar pour into a bowl. Eggs and milk are added while stirring with whipping. Pour the dough into a jug. Bring some oil on the forehead and pour a little pancake pie on it. Stir the herbs over (try with different amounts and mixtures). Turn the

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Lime slices Water ...

Boil sugar and water together until the sugar is dissolved. Cool the mixture. Rinse and nip the strawberries and put them in the blender together with rum, sugar and ice cubes (store some nice berries for decoration). Blend at short intervals until it is even

Cakes in form Small grated carrot Salt Baking soda ...

Whip egg, milk, lemon juice and salt together. Mix flour, baking soda, baking powder and sugar and stir in the egg mass. Add melted butter, grated carrot and chocolate bar and stir the dough together. Fill muffin mold 2/3 part. Make up with dough and baked

Mains Freshly ground pepper Corn flour Oil for frying ...

The cucumber is cut into thin slices and sprinkled with salt. Pulling 20 min. And twisted. Vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper are whipped together and put the cucumber slices. The fillet is polished to the ends and cut into 4 equal pieces. Set to the top and pres

Mains White balsamic vinegar Red chili Sage ...

The salva balancers and comes into ice water on which it is dripped. Lay the Serano ham out on a piece of film, then the siphoned sage leaves come hereafter the summer bow, now rolled tight. The film is removed and the bowl is now cooked in a 180 ° C hot ov