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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form 1-2 tsp. water RASP of 17 rusks Baking soda ...

The butter is crumbled in flour mixed with sugar and baking soda. The dough was kneaded with egg yolks and a little water. The egg whites are lightly whipped and then piped with a flourish manless and the broken two pieces. The dough is divided into two and on

Desserts (cold) Raspberry sorbet or Strawberry ice cream and a little lemon balm for garnish Baking soda Salt ...

Chop the almonds very fine in a blender with half of the sugar. Whip egg yolks and the rest of the sugar foaming. Mix almonds with baking soda and salt and stir in egg yolks. Whip the whites stiff and turn them in with a scraper. Distribute the dough into a gr

Desserts (cold) Strawberry yogurt Sugar Strawberry whipping cream ...

Strawberries and sugar blends Whipped strawberry whipped cream Paste the strawberries yogurt in a French bread form with baking paper. Freeze it for approx. 5 hours like 1 night over. tips: You may come in different berries such as blueberries or the like

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Sugar Buttermilk ...

Eggs sugar and vanilla sugar are whipped together. Carefully stir the buttermilk in.

Cakes in form Eggs, pasteurized Butter Cinnamon, ground ...

Flour, soda, cinnamon, sugar and buttermilk are mixed. The butter is melted, all ingredients mix well together. The dough is poured into a greased baking pan 33x38 cm. And baked at 200 degrees Celsius. Oven for approx. 30 minutes depending on the thickness of

Salads Bladselleri leaves Walnut kernels Grapes ...

Taste cremefraiche and the Greek yoghurt with sugar and salt. Clean the bladeseller sheets and cut them across thin strips. Save nice leaves to decorate Half the grapes and remove the kernels, or buy stone-free grapes. Store nice grapes for decoration Cut the

Mains Lemon Fund Honey ...

If the fillet is not cut from the back piece, do it first. Hug the leg into suitable pieces and brown it in the pan. Get water together with the sliced, cleaned herbs. Let it boil and remove if necessary. foam. Boiled into a powerful fund. Cut the chopped w

Mains Cream Chestnuts Blackberries ...

Blackberries, sugar and ½ dl water are warmed together for approx. 1 hour. Bring the medallions with high heat, pour the blackberry over and put it in a preheated oven of 220 °. Especially a small cross in the top of each chestnut put all of them on salt