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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Margarine Cocoa Cinnamon, ground ...

Mix together melted margarine and sugar together well. came the other ingredients in and got cake mass in a baking pan that is greased (or use baking paper) ca. 23x33 cm. Glaze: melt the margarine, add the hot coffee Let and the other parts. accepted on the

Desserts (cold) A good vanilla ice cream Little planed chocolate Whipped cream ...

Melt chocolate over hot water bath, and cool slightly. Stir in the cream and butter in a uniform mass. Beat the egg yolks and sugar, light and airy. Turn chocolate into egg mixture with large airy roof for a uniform cream. Advantage the cream in 4 molds, and s

Cakes Baking soda Amerettolikør Milk ...

Mix milk, chocolate, almonds, sugar, liqueur in a bowl. Sift flour and baking soda in and stir fosigtigt. Whip cream foam and pipe also it very gently in so the dough is light and airy. Behind the vaflerne on a waffle iron.

Cakes The reef must be from 1 orange Salt Eggs ...

Stir in sugar, salt and eggs together. Whisk flour and milk in the dough and stir smooth. Chop chocolate coarsely. Add the melted butter, orange peel and chocolate. Let dough rest about 15 min. Behind vaflerne crisp in a waffle iron.

Cakes Fat for baking Whipped cream Strawberry ...

Yeast and break into pieces in the flour, sugar and lukewarm milk poured over and stir together. Let dough pull on a warm place for about 15 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients in the order listed and stir the batter well. Should once again be made to uplif

Pickling Water Sugar Lemons ...

Scrub lemons well, cut them into thin slices. Pour water, sugar and citric acid. Let it stand and pull in 5-6 hours. But the tubes a little now and then so that the sugar will be dissolved. Pour it all into a juice bag and let it drain away. Pour the juice

Pickling Apples Lemons Rose hips ...

Let simmer for 3 dl water hybene for 30 minutes or until tender. Cut the apples into pieces without removing the peel and core. La the apples simmer in 3 cups water until tender. Add hybene in Apple stock. Sieve the juice through a juice bag or a cloth.

Pickling Water Yellow melatin (40 g) Sugar ...

Three of the washed lemons grated coarsely on Slaw iron. The shells are cooked in a little water 15 min and filtered off. The juice of all lemons are mixed in cooking water plus so much water that there is 1 liter. Melatinen is stirred in and given a rehash 1