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Recipes with Sugar

Base recipes Salt Sugar Beer ...

Flour, eggs, beer, water, oil, and salt and sugar are beaten together to form a smooth dough. Rest 1 hour, after which the stiftpiskede egg white, invert the dough should immediately be used. when they whipped whites have been added.

Desserts (warm) Abrikosmos Almond flakes Salt ...

The pancakes: stir the dry ingredients into a jævning with beer and milk. Egg yolks and oil are added and the dough is resting in 30 minutes. Then invert the stiftpiskede egg whites into the batter. Behind the pancakes in butter. Cream: Eggs, sugar, flou

Drinks (warm) Sugar Hot strong tea Rum, vodka or slivovitz ...

Mix hot tea with spirits in a preheated mug. Serve immediately. Sugar added at will.

Candy Butter Overtræksehokolade Fine oranges ...

The oranges, washed and peeled off quite commonly, after which most of the white and the shell is removed, cut into thin, fine strips. Sugar sheet boil water and sugar, herein granted strips, and they need to simmer for a long time and softly until they are cl

Bread, buns & biscuits Icing sugar Sugar Water ...

Crumble the yeast into the bowl. Add the milk and stir to the yeast is dissolved. Add the fat into small lumps, along with sugar and flour. Knead it together quickly. Roll the dough out to a square 40 x 40 cm, on a floured board. Cut the dough into squares 8 x

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Icing sugar Sugar ...

Smuldrgæren out of the bowl. Add the milk, and stir to the yeast is dissolved. Add the fat into small lumps, along with sugar and flour. Knead it together quickly. Roll the dough out into a rectangle of 40 x 40 cm. Cut the dough into squares of 8 x 8 cm.

Cakes Gold dust Melted chocolate Icing sugar ...

Linsedej: crumble the butter into the flour, then add the icing sugar and collect fast dough with egg yolks. Put the dough cold 1 hour. Roll the dough out and serve large lens molds with the. Fill: Stir butter and sugar together. Stir in pistachio mass i

Cookies Icing sugar Sugar Butter ...

Stir in butter and sugar together. Mix the nuts in the flour and stir them together with the butter mixture. Portion dough in 50 small portions and roll each into 8 cm. long sausages, which is shaped like a boomerang. Behind them at the top of the oven on the