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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Baking soda Mashed banana Milk ...

Margarine, brown sugar and sugar whisked together, banana added and this whipped fluffy. The other ingredients are added. Cake bake in springform on oven at 175 degrees for about Groove Center. 45 min. Can possibly. combine with butter cream or decorating w

Cakes in form Apples Cinnamon Sugar ...

Flour, sugar, margarine, rice Krispies and cinnamon chopped together into a smuldredej. Apples peeled and cut into both and be layered in the ten pie dish, Sprinkled with a little sugar and cinnamon. Crumble dough sprinkled over. Bake for about 35 minutes a

Cakes Egg whites Icing sugar Garnish ...

Melt butter, brown sugar, syrup and water together in a saucepan. Let it cool a little. Mix all the flour and stir in sugar mixture tørdelene. Knead the dough together. Let the dough green, then it is easier to roll out. Deploy the dough into a thin sheet a

Appetizers Lemon Salt Sugar ...

Remove any veins and impurities from the cold liver and cut it into pieces of 1 x 1 cm. add white wine, grated truffle, sugar, a little salt and lemon juice, stir together, place in a bowl and warmed in the passports or water bath at 120 Gr. approx. 30 min. Ma

Candy Fill A little white chocolate Whipped cream ...

Got the cream, glucose, sugar and chili in a thick-bottomed saucepan, and slowly warm up, to the sugar is melted. Stir as little as possible. Let the mixture simmer on a low heat for 8 minutes. Take the chili up. They came of caramel mass in a glass of ice wat

Candy Sugar thermometer Coarsely chopped roasted pistaicenødder Egg white ...

Boil honey and 2 tsp. glucose together in a saucepan until it is 120 degrees. Cook the sugar with 2 tablespoons. glucose for it's 157 degrees (light golden). This causes problems, you can add a little water and cook for approximately 160 degrees. Beat eg

Candy Sugar Light syrup Whipped cream ...

Com cream, syrup, sugar and butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, and slowly warm up, to the sugar is melted. Stir as little as possible. Let the mixture simmer on a low heat for 8 minutes. Got a bit of caramel mass in a glass of ice water. It must be rolled

Candy EVS. chocolate for coating Cocoa, to trundle trøflerne in Sugar ...

Bring raspberries and sugar to a boil, chop finely and pour the hot chocolate mass down gently in the chocolate into a thin beam, while you touch, so the mass not separates. When the finger is hot met the butter in, in small cubes, and finally season with spir