Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Appetizers Corn flour Lemon finely chopped to thereof Fresh chili pepper ...

Peel the carrots and slice thin strips with kartoffelskrælleren Cut the spring onion into thin slices Finely chop the chili very fine Arrow if necessary. should the prawns Saute the carrots, scallions and chili pepper in a little oil in a thick-bottomed

Lunch Green Salad Jalapenios Olive oil ...

pour the Greek yogurt in a bowl and mix the Curry in. chop 2 cloves garlic and mix them up in yoghurt. flavor it with salt, pepper and curry powder. Crack ciabatta mended and butter both sides with yoghurt. Pour a good splash of olive oil up in a small bowl. c

Soups Handful basil leaves Handful coriander leaves Lime ...

Cut the chicken into cubes. Galangaen in thin slices, cut the ginger into thin sticks, lemon grass into thin slices and lime bladen in tybde strips. Bring to a boil and add the boullionen galanga, ginger, lemon grass, lime leaves and fish sauce, and let it

Mains Garlic Curry Coconut milk-fat, great canned ...

Heat a wok (or skillet) over high heat. Add the oil and chicken cut into strips and stir-fry in 3-5 minutes for chicken meat begins to take on color. Add the chopped lemon grass, lime juice and zest, Curry, chili sauce, scallions in inclined slices, bell pe

Salads Pasta screws Tuna in oil Tuna in water ...

Cook the pasta. Pour the tuna in a bowl. The oil should be included and the water from. Forårslægene cut into thin slices. When the pasta is cooked, pour the water from the finished and rinsed with cold water. It's all mixed together and are now ready for

Mains Rice Large bunch flat-leaf parsley Spring onions ...

Cook a ½-1 liter of water and stir bouliog dice out in bouliongen in a platter. pour. Wash and pick the parsley. Cut the rødløgne in ½ rings, ta something onions and parsley and put on plaice fillet and roll it together and put it down in the dish. Wash and sl

Snacks Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Dripping crab meat well in a sieve. Mash the potatoes and mix them in. Add the egg whites. Cut the vegetables finely, to tiny cubes and mix them in to taste with spices and stir. flour in to the forcemeat is the right consistency to bake on the pan. Fry them o

Mains Basil, dried Pepper Salt ...

Cut the carrots in reverie Champingoner rensen and cut into slices peberfrugten cut into fine small pieces of scallions cut into ca. 1 cm-thick slices. Fry the bacon for about 5 minutes and add the beef. Sauté the vegetables in a little oil. eventually m