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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains White balsamic New potatoes Pepper ...

Clean the fish, scrape the scales and mucus of with a knife and fillets the so (or get the fishmonger to do so). Put ørredesiderne on a large piece of allufolie and fold the sides up. Chop the dill and stir it with butter and pressed garlic. Advantage of t

Mains Dill, fresh Tarragon, fresh Olive oil ...

Swine koteletterne cleansed of fat and cut into thin strips, like to use fadkoteletter as the first split. Break or cut the tread ends of the asparagus and cut them and spring onions on the bias in 3-4 cm. The carrots cut into thin strips. Cut the cabbag

Lunch The stem of a scallion Chilli Pepper ...

Pasta: First, you pour water in the pot you want to boil the pasta in, then pours you oil, vagetaen, garlic and the chunks of scallion-stalk. Let this be the water boils. When the water boils do you take all the grøntsagsrester there now should be in, out of

Mains Parsley Salt Thyme ...

Fry the zucchini and scallions in butter, until tender. ½ TSP came. thyme in, along with 1 tablespoon of parsley. Cook the pasta. Pour in the cream and simmer for a while. CA. 15 min. Season with salt. EVS. pepper.

Mains Cucumber/cornichons Bacon Burger buns ...

Mix the meats together with onion, garlic, scallions and herbs, spices and olive oil. Overdæk mixture and place into the refrigerator for min. one hour. take it out about 20 mins before it will be used and the form forcemeat into 1.5 cm thick steaks. Heat a pa

Mains Garlic Pepper Tarragon, fresh ...

Rub the chicken inside with salt. Mix rygeosten with chopped parsley, chives, salt and pepper fintsnittet. Gently loosen the skin from the breast by swiping a finger gently around between skins and meat, this is done from the neck and to the inside. Stuffed

Sides Olive oil Salt Spring onions ...

Slice the carrots into long oblique pieces. Spring onions and asparagus cut into approx. 5 cm pieces on the bias. Cut the cabbage into quarters, stalk is cut out and the cabbage chop. Heat the oil in a sauté pan and saute the carrots first a few minutes bef

Lunch Baby spinach Spring onions Honey ...

cut the ålefileten in foot chunks and chop the egg. Clean radishes and spring onions and cut them into slices and the apples into cubes. tube limejuice with honey sunflower oil and pepper and pour it over the salad. Turn the eggs and ålebidder in the salad an