Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Jelly and blue cheese for the sauce Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat from the legs into cubes on 3 x 3 cm. Brown bones, trimmings and onions in the oven at 250 degrees. Pour the wine and vinegar over and let the roast almost away. Pour baking pandens indghold in a pan, boil it with water and scrape every stump down

Mains Pepper Salt Juices ...

Plaster Club free of sinew and membranes. Place it in a bowl that fits in size, such that it can be covered with the marinade. Marinade: Making the carrot and Leek able and share them a few times. Willow buds and halvér them. Mix all the ingredients and pou

Mains (add marinade) Pepper Provence spice ...

Mix and marinade the meat added in. Meat must pull in 4-6 hours in a refrigerator, but like overnight. Then FRY meat and leeks in the Pan by excessive heat for about 10 minutes so the pores in the flesh closing. There are seasoned with Provencal seasoning, sal

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Carrot and Leek cleaned and chop. Halve the onions and mix with the rest of the ingredients, and is given a quick rehash. Pour marinade over meat, covered for and put in the fridge for about 24 hours. Invert a few times during marinating. The mallet is take

Mains The leg from the back when the fillet is cut from Jelly Pepper ...

Wildlife Fund: Fillet loosened from the anchovies, trimmed and Brown in the pan. The fillet is taken up and the anchovies is added into the Pan where the Brown and addressed. The cleaned vegetables in the Pan and boil up along with væden. The Fund is creamed o

Mains Oregano Small average pale celery stalk Pilsner ...

Everything for the marinade to the boil and allow to cool then. Herein be animal Club one day. Must be turned on and off. Taken up, then wiped carefully and made on baking pandens ovnrist, there must be greased well. Covered with 200 g of butter shall be alloc

Mains Fat for deep frying White pepper Potato bird nests with waldorff ...

Animal Club freed from possibly. membranes, rinsed and dried, after which the Brown on the Pan or roasting pan in oven for margarine, seasoned with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries, where can it be wrapped in slices of fresh lard and place on roasting

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Cut the meat into cubes and mix it with the crushed juniper berries and garlic and pour the red wine over. Let the meat and pull the 1-2 24-in the marinade. Dry the meat off with in clean Tea towel (paper towel), Brown it in a skillet and put it into a sau