Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onions, diced

Lunch Wheat flour Onions, diced Pepper ...

Herring filetér cleaned and shared if necessary in 2 fillets, turn over in the flour with the salt and pepper, FRY. Ingredients for brine mix, and the fried herring fillets pulls herein a few hours, possibly. for the next day. Garnish: chopped onion, diced + c

Mains Gauze for spices Mashed potatoes in lemon slices Oil for frying ...

Onion and garlic Saute s in the oil until they are clear. Turn up, add the meat and Brown it well. Flour sprinkled on and continue frying a few additional minutes. Red wine and red wine vinegar is poured in, it boils down a bit, the water is poured on. Juniper

Mains Vinegar Brown sugar Corn starch ...

Brown the beef without the use of fat in a large pan or in a pan, add the bell pepper and onion and sauté it with meat in 3-4 minutes. Add the water and let it all cook up. Mix all ingredients for the sour/sweet sauce together and stir mixture together with

Mains Pepper Salt Crispy onions of 2 onions ...

Rinse the rice in several hold water and bring slowly to boil them in water with added 1 tsp. salt. Let them boil for tight-fitting lid for 20 min. stir in the rice with a fork and place a tea towel between pot and lid and let the rice pulling until they are c

Mains Green beans without seeds Cardamom Curry ...

Sauté the meat in oil with garlic, onion and spices. Add the vegetables (wait with the chili at the very end). Boil right until the meat is tender. Add the lemon juice. Let the whole chili cook with until it has delivered so much flavor, it would. Ser

Mains Green chilies, diced Fresh Sage leaves into strips Vegetables into small cubes – e.g. celery peppers or mushrooms ...

Turn the oven on 200 °. Prick the eggplants with a kødnål and put them in a heat-proof platter. Behind them ca. 1/2 time. Cut the rodenden of eggplants and hollow-out them gently with a spoon. They are tough, they bake a little longer. Click the fill wel

Mains 3 clove pressed or grated garlic 4 dl red wine or 4 dl water Chili ...

Saute onions and garlic, add the tenderloin, the grated carrots and celery. When it is warmed through met beef in and depending on whether it is pretreated or not, heats it through a few minutes. Then met the spices in and the chopped tomatoes. Then red wine o

Mains Cucumber into small cubes Lemon finely grated to thereof Lemon juice ...

Sauté the onion in the oil in a pan & add the peeled tomatoes & water. Bring to the boil & let Cook on a low heat for about 20 minutes season with salt & pepper. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Benefit the sauce in a baking pan or a heat-proof