Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Fill Oregano, dried Paprika ...

Dough: Stir yeast and water together. Stir in margarine, salt, buttermilk into mixture. Knead flour into little by little. Stuffing: melt margarine in a saucepan. Saute the meat in it. Add the grated carrot and onion, chopped tomato, as well as the rest of

Sides EVS. a little port wine Pepper Salt ...

Mushrooms cleaned and quarter. Onion peeled, chopped very finely. Onions Sauté until they have been blank, then add mushrooms, when the liquid is boiled out of champignonen, add white wine and this is reduced by half. Add whipping cream and this is reduced to

Mains EVS. Bay leaves Cream Wheat flour ...

Peel root vegetables and cut them into coarse pieces. Brown beef shoulder thoroughly on all sides, tag it up. Sauté the vegetables. Llæg roast back, sprinkle heavily with salt and pepper. Pour approximately 1 ½ cm of water at. Put the lid on and simmer appr

Cold cuts (80 g) mushrooms in brine Few drops suit Salt ...

Boil kråser and hearts in 2 hours. Use a half cup of water to the pateen. Set the oven at 150 degrees. Pour a litre of water in saucepan. Hak kråser, hearts, livers and chicken breast with skins once through the mincer. Slice the chicken breast without skin in

Mains Forcemeat Pepper Salt ...

French bread cut into cubes and mix with the cream the day before, where the mixture "overnight" in the refrigerator. Forcemeat is mixed with finely grated onion, roughly chopped walnuts and bread mixture, salt and pepper. The goose is filled and closed

Soups Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients blended together and placed on ice for a few hours, season with lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Serve with fried tandoorirejer and fresh mint.

Cold cuts Bay leaves Pepper Salt ...

Cut packed into strips and boil it for about 5 minutes in 8 dl. water with thyme, Bay leaves and crushed pepper. Tag packed up and let it cool slightly. Run the hereafter together with liver, anchovy, onion, thyme and bay leaf (e) through the mincer and pip

Sides Pepper Fresh, chopped thyme leaves and soft-stems Coarse salt ...

Bring cream, finely chopped onion, crushed garlic, thyme, salt and pepper to a boil in a large, thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the potatoes and cook them on low heat and under the lid for approx. 7 min.-stir occasionally. Pour the whipped potatoes in a baking