Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Couscous Boiling water Onion ...

Mix the onion, garlic, olive oil, salt, cumin, ginger, paprika and saffron in a bowl. The meat came by and turn it around in the spices. Let the meat pull in the marinade for at least two hours in the refrigerator. Got butter, tomatoes and honey in a saucep

Mains Basil Coarse salt Lasagne sheets ...

Sauté onion and garlic in the oil. Add the meat and let it sear. Add the remaining ingredients (carrots throughout) and simmer for 3 hours. Yes it is true with 3 hours. Infant to with water along the way. Mash the carrots and got them back in the kødsaucen.

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Rinse the peppers, share them lengthwise and remove the giblets. Cut them into thin strips lengthwise. Willow buds, and share them in both quarters. Heat a sauté pan or suitable pot up with margarine. Fry the chicken breast fillets map on both sides. Take c

Mains 1 tbsp. mild paprika Bread Fintsnitte iceberg lettuce ...

Cut the cuvetten in nice-sized cubes, 2 × 2 cm. Chop the onion and garlic and brown them 1-2 minutes in a thick-bottomed pan. Take it up and Brown the meat a few times. Got meat and onions back to the Pan along with the peeled tomatoes. Season with salt, peppe

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Lemon ...

Put the ox spidsbrystet in a pan and cover with cold water. Cook on a low heat and remove foam and fat with a big spoon. Add salt and remove foam again. Add the whole pepper, whole coriander and cook for meat is tender approximately 21/2 hours. Take the meat u

Mains Soy Dijon mustard Dill, or fresh coriander ...

Slice the meat and pineapple in equal-sized cubes of about 3 x 3 x 3 cm. put them on skewers. Place them on the baking sheet with aluminum foil. Mix soy with fintreven ginger, dijon mustard and sambal oelek or other chili-paste. Pour the brine over the skew

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Stir in yogurt with Cumin and salt. Style it in the refrigerator. Turn on the oven at 200 ° c. Willow buds and cut them from root to top into thin slices. Bladselleri stems cut into thin slices. Warm oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Fry the onions so th

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Soak bread in water. Chop the onion and parsley very finely. Mix everything with the meat in a bowl. Squeeze garlic over. Add egg, pepper and salt. Form 8 meatballs added on a frying pan with oil. Fry them 5 minutes on each side. Serve with butter roasted pota