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Recipes with Onion

Appetizers Grated cheese Onion Nachos chips (depending on how many you are. a bag to 2pers 1pers 2 b.) ...

Slice the tomatoes and onion into cubes (not too large diced) similar to those in a ovenfastfad and search for the not too "watered". Pour nachos chips on and eventually grated cheese. In the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Tips: be careful with tomato

Pickling Freshly ground pepper Salt Green product hot chilli ...

'S chili fruit. Mince it. Remove stems and cores from apples. Mince the apples. Prepare the onion and cut it into slices. Peel the mango fruit. Cut it into small, thin slices. Heat the oil up in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add the cumin seeds. Stir. Add the oni

Sides Nutmeg Salt Onion ...

Them boiled, peeled and cut into slices and place in a saucepan with the butter, a minced onion, apples, salt, and nutmeg. Let it boil for a nice Burgundy puree. Pureen tastes excellent for URf.eks. "legless bird" or game.

Mains Eggs Olive oil (optional) Salt ...

Mix salt and flour. Crumble the margarine in the work the dough. along with as much water as is needed (the dough should be firm and supple). Portion dough into 4 portions. Roll each portion out until it is about 3 mm thick. Cut the dough into 4 pieces for a s

Mains Olive oil Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Rinse the aubergines and rid them of stem and leaves. Cut them in ½ cm thick slices lengthwise. Put the slices in a casserole dish, sprinkle them with salt and put them in pressure with a plate over. (It removes the bitter taste). Rinse the apples. Free them f

Mains Oatmeal Wheat flour Pepper ...

The herrings made able and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onto with the juice of a lemon and reversed in a mixture of wheat flour and oatmeal. FRY in butter in the pan until they are light brown and served on a platter. The apples and the two onions cut into c

Sides Apple vinegar ell. Balsamic vinegar Chile Eggplant (salted) ...

Vegetables cut into big cubes and sauté over high heat for 10 minutes. Or large pieces of Eggplant and whole grilled peppers. Garlic, chille and then add tomato. It all blended and season with salt, pepper and vinegar. It tastes surprisingly good. Can be eaten

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chop fine the onion and the garlic is squeezed. Onions, garlic and worchestershire sauce, add the beef. It is seasoned with salt and pepper at will. Let it soak for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then let it rest outside the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Me