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Recipes with Onion

Pickling Garlic Green bell pepper Whole ginger ...

The cleaned fruits and the scalded, peeled onions chopped fine or be painted through a kødmaskine. Everything is mixed, pour over with vinegar, sugar, syrup and salt. Spices and Ginger are added by. The mass brought slowly to a boil and boil about 10 minutes.

Sides Butter Onion Dry white wine ...

Chop the onion finely and fry it lightly in butter without it takes color. Add the fish broth and white wine. Warm it through and put the fondue pan on the table over the burner.

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Garlic Paprika ...

Over the thighs Brown in olive oil in a pan. Chopped onions and garlic and sauté with added. The broth, lemon juice, paprika and salt into the Pan, then accepted the onion placed on, and over thighs fried on a low heat for 1 hour. The reversed when half the

Mains Thyme Onion Sour cream ...

Bacon cubes and sauté chopped onion in a saucepan. Paprika, tomato puree, broth and sour cream udrørt with cornstarch, add and boil for a few minutes. Chinese cabbage into strips, cooked potatoes into slices and onion in half sliced Sauté 5-10 minutes in marga

Soups Cayenne pepper Chilli, crushed Pepper ...

Onion chopped finely and FRY in a dry pan. When they bite a bit on the bottom, add water. When the water is cooked away Sauté beef forcemeat with. The chopped tomatoes, Baked beans, milk, garlic and diced peppers poured by the meat/onions. That season wit

Sides Carrot Garlic Bay leaf ...

Cut the vegetables into cubes and fry them for 5 minutes at low heat. Add the remaining ingredients and cook in for about 15 minutes. The meat must be marinated to be laid in a bowl which is not attacked by the acid in the marinade. The best result is achieved

Sides Ancho chili powder Chipotle sauce Onion ...

The peppers are halved, put into an oven in 5-10 my swimmer gets dark. Let them pull a quarter of an hour, after which the skin can easily be pulled off. Got them in a blender with remaining ingredients. Run on to it is a fine paste

Mains Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Chop onion, garlic and Dill rough. Mix all ingredients together, except the chopped tomatoes. Form meatballs and fry them in oil, (like a good olive oil). They need to fry! When they reversed the first time, pour the chopped tomatoes, meatballs and FRY f