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Recipes with Onion

Mains Red pepper Grøntsagsboullionterning -beef bouillon ...

The meat is cooked in a saucepan and the vegetables are cut and added. Water is added, such as sauce and boulieterning oveni. Cook the dish for 20-30 minutes and season with salt and pepper. Additionally, spaghetti is cooked.

Mains Onion Grated cheese Red pepper ...

Pasta boils. Cut all the vegetables. Brown the bulbs in a pan and then the meat until it is brown. The vegetables are served with garlic. Another saucepan is used to be used for the sauce. Flow the cream with garlic and cheese and add to it. Add a vegetable

Mains Butter/oil Spagetti/pasta Pepper ...

Meatballs: Stir onion, garlic, lemon peel and juice, egg, water, salt and pepper and leave it rested in the refrigerator for approx. ½ hour. Then form the walnut size filler and simmer them in lightly salted water for 10 minutes. sauce: Sweat onions, garl

Mains Pepper Salt Pearl onions ...

Step short circuit approx. 2 min. on every side. Step bacon very little. Then cut the peppers into strips and fry them a little on the forehead with the beans, put them in a bowl. Then you take the cream and pour it on the forehead and put tomato paste a

Mains Broth The grove from the dill, the tuft conceals Pepper ...

The veal cooks well with the vegetables and the leg - it may take a two to three hours. In my opinion, it must be buttered. And it must be cooked the day before. Throw away the vegetables. Take the meat up. Point the soup. Pour it over the meat and leave it

Mains Pack sausages Pepper Salt ...

1 hp. The sausage is cut into small slices 5 - 6 onions cut into the tern Both pieces are cooked until brown and poured into a saucepan. ca. 8 dl. Milk is added together ca. 1½ large canned tomato sauce Taste with ca. 1½ teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon peppe

Mains Basil Parsley 1 feds garlic ...

Tomato paste, brown dumplings, peppers, lemon juice and olive oil are placed in a bowl. Onions, garlic, parsley and basil are chopped and whipped together with salt and pepper. Meat is brought in and the beer is poured tips: Let the meat pull as long as

Mains Onion Coarse salt Water ...

Rinse the fillets and dip them dry. Cut them into suitable portion sizes. Bring the water to boil with vinegar, salt, onion rings, bay leaves and whole peppercorns. Bring the fish pieces into the boiled water and let them boil small for 8-10 minutes. Take the