Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Cinnamon Curry Mint ...

Combine the meat with the sliced ​​onion in a little oil in a saucepan. Tomato sauce, spices and ½ l of water are added and the dish boils on low heat for approx. 1 hour. Cut the celery celery into small pieces and chop the parsley. Both pieces are slic

Breakfast & brunch Vegetables Cheese Leek ...

Cut the eggs into a small bowl. Then peeled onions & amp; Put it into the bowl. Then out the onions & amp; Other vegetables .... gently stir in the bowl. Then pour all the egg on a frying pan then wait half a minute. Then put cheese in. (Up to you which chees

Mains Honey Curry Chicken broth/cube ...

Bring the chicken in about 5 dl of boiling water, or it just covers. Put laurel leaves and crushed chicken broth in, together with onions cut into quarters. Bring some salt and pepper in and simmer for the chicken pieces are tender. Save 4-5 dl of soup. Cut th

Mains Peper Rice or fresh pasta as an accessory Peeled tomatoes ...

steaks: 1. The grater is soaked in the milk. 2. stir the meat with rasp, egg, onion and salt. 3. The meat is formed into steaks, which are browned on the forehead of the margarine. sauce: 4th Chopped. Garlic pressed. 5. Onions, garlic and chamignon are

Mains Chili sauce for serving Pepper Salt ...

Step the vegetables until they start to soften. Add spices and step a little longer. Add tomato and broth, simmer 8 min. Add chickpeas and beans in the middle of the cooking time. Pour boiling water over the couscous into a large bowl, simmer and pull for

Mains Oil for frying Wasabi Chili ...

Chop onion and garlic nicely Tear the tongs into small pieces Mix all the ingredients together for a smooth father and style it in the refrigerator 30 min Put oil on the forehead, shape the fry dishes and put them on the forehead until they are finished

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

The thawed chicken hearts are swept in a saucepan with onion and carrot. Broth, salt, pepper and sugar are added. Stays under cover approx. ½ hour. Mushrooms, cream and color added. Serve with boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Breakfast & brunch Bread Olive oil Pepper ...

Pour olive oil on a hot pan Roughly chopped onions poured on the forehead and small simmer for about 7 minutes must not turn brown. Bowl a tin of peeled tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes. Whip the eggs and pour the pipes well around so that everything is mix