Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Spice Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes. The bulbs take longer than you would think. Begin to make them stand and cut them into slices. Bring a little bit of fat a pan, stir the onions and when they start to brown, sprinkle the sugar over and stir the brown beans ready. Mak

Mains Boiled potatoes Concentrated tomato paste or ketchup Butter ...

Boil the potatoes. Divide the potatoes into 1.5 cm squares, cut the sausages into 1 cm pieces and cut into strips. Put the cartons in a little of the butter in a pan about 5 minutes. Add tomato paste, salt and pepper. Sweat sausages and onion in the rest

Mains Pepper Grated cheese Salt ...

The chicken is cut into thin strips and seasoned and seasoned with salt and pepper. The spinach is cleaned and turned into melted butter. Karry is switched in oil. Chopped onion and fried carrot added with tomato, cream, water and spices. Simmer for 5 mi

Mains Watercress for garnish (optional) Freshly ground pepper Olive oil for frying ...

Carrot Steaks: Boil the potatoes and tear the carrot on the fine side of the roast chicken. Chop onions and garlic very well. Mash the potatoes well and mix them with all the other ingredients into a solid. Fry it to fry panels and pour them golden on a slip-

Mains Onion Red pepper Bacon cubes ...

Water is poured into pasta. Bring the bacon on the forehead. Finch onions. When the bacon tones take color, add the loaf and finish the dishes. Bring cream on the forehead and let it simmer while the pasta is boiled. Mix the two things together and serve

Mains Beef bouillon cube Chilli (possibly 2 x ½ chilli) Green pepper ...

Bring some oil into the pan, cut bacon and chirozo and put them in. Cut the onion and garlic roughly, chop chillie nicely, bake them when bacon takes color. The beef comes in when the bulbs have been clear and browned. The red wine is taken in and reduced, th

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The beef can be turned into mixed flour, South salt and black pepper and sprinkle on the pan in 150 grams of butter. The beef can be placed in a large pot (10 liters). Onions, carrots and garlic hakes and swirled in the butter on the forehead that was used

Mains Pomegranate pure (almost an entire bottle) Corn flour to jævning Salt ...

The mixed walnuts are placed in a saucepan and about 1½ liters of water are added and boils for about 1 hour. The chicken is cut into small pieces. Onion is cut into small pieces and put on the pan in a little oil, then chop pieces of chicken, add some s