Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Basil Olive Pepper ...

Baked tomatoes: Start here. The tomatoes are halved and seasoned with a squeezed garlic, brown daffodil and oil blended with fresh basil and salt and pepper. Bake in a hot oven for approx. 20 min. At 150 degrees. The time may be. Shortened at higher lows. Tom

Mains Fish broth Oil Cream cheese ...

Hornfish are cleansed for inwards and the head is cut off. The hornfish are divided into 2 pieces and the majors are cut into spells, onion and tomatoes chopped. Mayor, onions and tomatoes are filled in the bug of the fish. Oil, cream cheese and broth are s

Mains Lemon Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Scrape the hornfish and cut the fins off. Rinse the fish in cold water and dry them. Cut the fish into approximately 8 cm long pieces. Then prepare the filling: Pile the bowl, cut it into small cubes and sweat the dice to clear in a little butter. Mix it w

Mains Cucumber Bacon pieces Mushroom ...

Cut all the ingredients to fit the fondue pins. Make the fondue ready and start eating. Homemade Pomfritter, Dill Dip, Paprika Dip and Flute. tips: For fondue, light plant oils are used for example. Corn, sunflower, groundnuts and soya.

Mains Freshly ground white pepper Salt Dill ...

Arrow slipped and cut it in both. Heat the olive oil in a medium-sized pot and leave the bulbs ready. Sprinkle with white wine and possibly. Pernod. Pour the mussels into the pan and leave it for approx. 5 minutes under low heat, until they have opened, shake

Mains Herbs Pepper Salt ...

Onions and pears are finely chopped into a pot of water, vinegar, laurel, coriander, salt and pepper and cooked by steady heat for about ten minutes. Spice the pure stone bider fillets with salt and pepper, butter in butter or oil for a few minutes on each

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Crush the buns and pour cream and mineral water. The arrow went and tore it. Onions, meat and spices are mixed and then stirred together with the soaked peeled cakes. Peel apples, remove apples, tear them roughly and mix them in the dad. Grease a mold or ovenp

Mains Nutmeg Eggplant Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Cut the eggplant and potatoes into thin slices. Place potato slices in a pan of boiling water, add salt. Put eggplant in a barrel or sift the pot with potatoes. Put on the lid and boil potatoes for 8 minutes. Put the diced eggplant and potatoes in a greased ov