Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon peel ...

Rub the diced top with salt and pepper. Bind the bacon discs with a cotton cord. Brown the upper butter in a frying pan approx. 10 min and then put it in the oven at 160 ° C for approx. 1 hour. Add water and wine during frying. Cut onions and carrot into small

Mains Tarragon Pepper Rice (basmati or Jasmine URf.eks.) ...

Seasoned mushrooms are shaken in a little butter and taken up. Finely chopped onions in a little more butter, whereupon the peeled tomatoes are passed through a sieve into the pan. The broth is added; It all sorts a little, after which the cream comes together

Mains Olive oil Coconut milk Onion ...

Start preparing the ingredients: The loop is cut into slices and the spring bulbs are cut obliquely for approx. 3 cm. pieces. The meat is cut into very thin strips. Heat the wok or frying pan, pour a little olive oil into. Add onions, spring onion, puree o

Mains Fresh ginger Fresh coriander Corn flour (snowflake) ...

The chop chopped and shredded into 4 flat steaks. Relish is made by boiling sugar and vinegar with chopped onion, smoothed with snowflake. Here comes chopped papaya. Should boil for approx. 15 seconds. Then cool and mix with chopped coriander. The potatoes are

Soups Butter for jævning Tel Thyme ...

The vegetables are chopped in coarse pieces, sautéed in butter, poured white wine and fish fund. Smooth with butter bowl, mix with cream, seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. The mussels are roughly chopped and brought in, cooked and served with bread.

Salads White pepper A little lemon juice Salt ...

Chicken: The chicken is cooked, put in a pan and covered with water. Bring the chicken to the boil without lid. The soup foamed. The vegetables are cleaned and put into the pan with the salt. The chicken is boiled for approx. 45 min. Until it's tender. The chi

Lunch Salt Tomato puree Oregano ...

The milk lunes until it's finger warm. The yeast is thrown into it. Add the remaining ingredients, hold some of the flour back. The dough kneaded well. The dough is set for raising a covered spot for approx. 15 min. The dough is rolled out into a square, appro

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The dough: The milk is lunes and the yeast is thrown out. Sugar, salt and oil are stirred in. Rye flour and wheat flour are added. Keep some of the wheat flour back. The dough is well kneaded, covered with a dish and put to a standstill for approx. 30 min.