Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Salads Mushrooms Basil Lemon, the juice of which ...

Boil the potatoes in the bouillon for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle some of the bouillons mixed with wine oil and garlic battered bay leaves and lemon juice in a saucepan. Clean the mushrooms and deli, the tomatoes are divided and the kernels are removed and cut

Soups Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Cut the potatoes into the tern and fry in a little butter with onions and parsley. Add the broth and boil the soup for 15 minutes. Blends and loves evenly. Pour the soup back into the pan and let it boil and taste well. Add cream and sliced ​​radish and choppe

Appetizers Lemon Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Mix crab meat, chopped dill, tomatoes freeze for kernels, lemon peel and juice and taste well. Half and taste the avocados and get stuffed. Decorate with chopped onion and dillkviste and lemon slice.

Cold cuts Isinglass Dådyrbov with legs Fresh thyme ...

The toppings are blanched, then placed in a pot of water, boiled and rinsed. Then add the reconstituted vegetables and spices. This is cooked now that the animal tree is well tender. Cool the top of the dish, cut the meat and cut it into small terns. The spray

Mains Chopped dådyrkød Onion ...

The meat is shaped into steaks, seasoned and fried with onions, as in Danish steak. tips: The steaks are seasoned, wrapped with a slice of bacon. Stir in butter and serve with raw potatoes and green salad. Also try to put some garlic cheese into the steak

Mains A little wheat flour and butter Paprika Pepper ...

The bowl or chop is cut into pieces, turned into flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. The meat is baked in a saucepan, water is added, and it is simmering under the lid. Tomatoes are peeled, chopped and finely chopped and then swirled in butter with little

Mains Fresh or dried thyme Pepper Salt ...

Start cutting the pheasas in pieces and rubbing them with salt, pepper and thyme. Then clean all the vegetables and cut them into thin slices. Put the vegetables in an ovenproof dish, sprinkle some salt and pepper and pour broth. Then put the pheasant pieces o

Soups Flûtes Paprika Pepper ...

The animal legs are easily spiced with salt, pepper and paprika and browned in the oven. Meanwhile, clean the vegetables (cabbage, carrots, pimento, celery, parsley and pepper). The legs are taken up. The onions are cut into smaller cubes and browned with b