Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Mains Pepper Salt Garam masala ...

Cut the chicken meat into nice pieces and add the portion on the soaked spoon and sprinkle with garam masala. Brush a griddle and spoon 4 spoons at a time for 4 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and allow them to rest for 10 minutes. covered. Sauce:

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour Salt Yeast ...

Eaten together and raised to double size. Shaped into rolls. Raises again approx. 1/2 hour. Brush with coiled egg. Bake approx. 15 min. In the oven at 250 degrees. tips: Instead of water, half water and half milk can be used.

Cakes Eggs Salt Quark 5% ...

Dissolve yeast in the warm water. Add quark salt and oil. Spread the flour into a thin dry lot. Raises to double size within an hour's time. Beat the dough and divide into 20 pieces. Trumble each piece on the flour board until approx. 25 cm. Length (take care

Appetizers Salt Oil Buckwheat flour ...

The yeast is stirred in the warm milk. The flour is stirred until you have a thick and even pancake dough. Cover with a towel and leave it for a couple of hours in a warm place. Then add egg yolks - salt and oil. Whip the egg whites stiff and stir carefully

Bread, buns & biscuits A good dl water Oil White flour (atta flour is really chapati/best) ...

Mix it all together and split the dough into 4 bowls. Form them into small pancakes and roll them out on the flour board until they are thin and approx. 20 cm in diameter. Bake on a dry forehead. Oil enough in the dough - otherwise brush a little oil on the fo

Cakes in form Oil Perfect fit Baking soda ...

The eggs are whipped well. Wheat flour, sweetener, baking soda and cinnamon are mixed and sieved in. The carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly or finely. The oil and the crushed carrots are gently rotated. The dough is poured into a greased frying pan appr

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Eggs Sunflower kernels ...

The carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly. Stir yeast into the lukewarm water. It all mixes and kneels well. Raises loose and covered with a dishcloth approx. 1 hour. Shaped into 24 buns. Raises 20 minutes. Brush with egg and baked at 210 degrees C. a

Salads A little salad Pepper Salt ...

Boil the couscous as directed on the bag Cut the meat into the tern and shake in 1 teaspoon of oil on the pan together with finely chopped onions. Mix it in and add shredded pepper and sun tomatoes into small pieces of sugar, corn and ears, preferably on a lar