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Recipes with Nuts

Breakfast & brunch Oatmeal Honey Wheat bran ...

Take all the ingredients and mix them together in a frying pan. Remember baking paper so that it does not burn. Pour a little honey over and mix well together. Put it in the oven at approx. 150 degrees to oatmeal is a little golden or until you feel it's okay.

Cakes in form Chocolate Strawberry Cocoa ...

Mix the muffin dough into a bowl of whiskey or a food processor. Eggs and cane sugar are first whipped together. Then baking soda, mashed banana, wheat flour, water and melted margerinei are mixed. The dough is poured into muffin molds. If there is an extra c

Desserts (cold) Buy vanilla ice cream Kirsbærvin/rom or port wine Dark chocolate ...

Roses are soaked in the wine overnight, in the fridge !!!. Start chopping nuts and chocolate into smaller pieces and then soften the ice up to "soft ice", do not be too bad! Bring raisins and wine, nuts and chocolate into the ice and stir until all is mixed

Mains A little cayenne or chili Rosemary Salt ...

The onions are chopped quite nicely The vegetables are torn The nuts are chopped roughly Onion and curry are exchanged in the butter for about 5 minutes. Add the rest of the vegetables and simmer for about 5 minutes under the lid. Turn off the flare and a

Cookies Eggs Dark chocolate Nuts ...

Mix the margarine and flour and mix well and add flour, chocolate, nuts to the dough. Put on the plate with two teaspoons. Bake at 200 degrees for approx. 8-10 min.

Cookies Eggs Sugar Butter ...

It all blends together. Bake by. 200 gr for 6-8 min

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Chocolate ...

It all blends together. Bake at 150 gr.

Cookies Egg white Granulated sugar Nuts ...

It all balances with a spoon. Bake at 200 gr for about 12 min