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Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Pepper Eggs Wheat flour ...

Beef mixed with salt, pepper, flour, egg, finely chopped onion and chilli sauce as desired. Form into 8 oval bowls wrap a slice of bacon. Stir on warm forehead, possibly in a little oil, 2 minutes on each side. The bowls are put in a hot dish, peeled tomatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Boil the potatoes until they are tender. Meanwhile, mix the beef with egg yolks, capers and beetroot. They are molded into 2 steaks, fry about 5 minutes on each side, seasoned with salt and pepper. The pan is boiled with cream and water. When cooked, add th

Mains Cayenne pepper to taste Margarine for frying Parsley ...

Brown meat add carrots of peppers and bring bouillion and tomatoes in Get spices and salt in court. Let it boil for 10 min add more moisture. Server with icecream cremefraice and come if needed. Chopped parsley on.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

1. Stir the yeast into the lukewarm water and add oil, egg and salt. 2. Add gradually the flour with stirring. Only enough for the dough to release the sides of the bowl 3. Let the dough raise in the bowl under the double-size cloth. 4. Brown the meat

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Stir the meat with salt. Chop the garlic and stir it in the meat with rasp, egg and pepper. Let it rest. Sprinkle mushrooms into quarters and put them on a pan without fat until they are dark and have tendered. While mushroom steaks, tomato sauce is prepared.

Mains Beef broth Paprika Pepper ...

Paste the casserole.The chops are cut into small tern and swirled on a pan together with the bacon in a little bit of fat. Beef is chopped with .Come meat bacon and onions in a pan and add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste, chinese soy, beef bouillon and pasta pa

Soups Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the squash and tear it roughly. Let it boil in the water. Add salt and spices. Tear the carrots and potatoes roughly. Chop the loaf and let it boil for approx. 10 min. Bring chopped meat, chopped tomatoes, boulion cubes, salt, pepper and parsley. Simmer f

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Beat the beef in a saucepan without fat Bake chopped tomatoes in boil and boil for 4-5 min. Get the icing in. Taste with salt and pepper and give a quick boil .. Server spaghetti for ..