Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains All around spice Bacon into strips Bøfkrydderi ...

Bake beef and pork in a bowl of feta cheese, sun-dried tomatoes, onions, garlic, oatmeal and milk, salt and pepper, all together and come in a refractory dish or French bread. The bacon is on top of like the left hair into The oven (hot air) 200 degrees for ab

Mains Salt Eggs Wheat flour ...

Turn on the oven at 200C. Cut the onions and crumble the bread over the meat. Add eggs, squeezed garlic, finely chopped parsley and mix well together. Shape for small elongated meatballs, if any. With a spoon, and raise them on all sides until they are brown.

Mains Chili fresh chopped or dried Parsley Salt ...

Boil the freshly chopped chicken in leavened water, with leeks, celery and whole pepper. Pile the meat from the legs and cut it into narrow strips. Put the raisins in soft red wine for half an hour. Cook the bacon cubes in a saucepan. Add the oil and then s

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Whale flour and milk are whipped to a leveling. Salt and egg are whipped in. Be careful of thin pancakes on a pan. Add a little fat before each new pancake. Keep the pancakes warm, eg. Between two plates or in the oven at 100 degrees. Meat and onion are exc

Mains Coarse salt Oil Pepper ...

Half the aubergines alongside. Clean the shells. Cut the eggplant meat into cubes and sprinkle the skins inside with salt. Let them pull while you make the fill. Season meat, onions and garlic in oil. Add the aubergines, carved tomatoes, tomato puree, orega

Mains Freshly ground pepper Apple juice or oksebullion Diced tomatoes (400 g) ...

Chop the loaves well, heat a frying pan with oil and put the loaves in. Let the bulbs warm them for approx. 5 min. Put the meat in and brown it completely and stir a saucepan. Peel the carrots and tear them down on a grater or put them in. A food processor. Pu

Mains Pepper Peeled tomatoes Oil ...

Bring some oil into a deep pan and season thyme, salt pepper and garlic card. Then put the meat in and sweat until golden. Add spinach (if frozen, just add more) and mix well. Finally add the peeled tomatoes and simmer approx. 15min. Then taste with salt and

Mains Indian naanbrød Breadcrumbs Black pepper ...

Peel and chop the shallots, onion, garlic and ginger. Sweat the mustard boil in a little oil without coloring. Add 1 clove of garlic, rice and 1 teaspoon. Ginger and stir it all together well. Add water and chicken stock, add 1 teaspoon. Turmeric in and simmer