Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced beef

Mains Curry Ketchup Pepper ...

Cook the rice bag as instructed on the package Stir the chopped beef on the forehead until it's done, add salt and pepper as you usually season the meat. Come ketchup in, if desired, it is used as a binding agent (you may come later if you have not enough).

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Season onions and garlic in the oil without color and add the chopped beef and leave it brown. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cut the pepper in the tern. Bowl of mushrooms, peppers,

Soups Cayenne More curry powder and cayenne Salt ...

Lightly bake the bacon pieces in butter, dry the curry and stir. Bring onion and chopped meat in and stir around until it is warmed through and the meat crumbles. Pour the tomatoes and sprinkle in, sprinkle a little cayenne by - not too much, it is quite stron

Mains Flesh & skin of 4 chickens Pepper Salt ...

You dazzle Bacon, Ox & amp; The chicken then adds you to other Ingredients and grills them

Appetizers Pepper Salt Basil ...

Slice the tomato into the top and tear it out Sweat the leek and the beef to the changing fave Get tomato sauce and tomato meat in and to put the basil and oregano in and it was on high heat for the water evaporates Take it off the vlam and add cremef

Soups Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Chopped beef, chopped onions, bacon and cocktail sausages are browned in the hot oil. Tomato puree is added and "burned off" for 1 minute along with salt, pepper and dried basil and oregano. Add water and bullion cake and cook the soup at low heat for 15-20 mi

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Dough: Bring flour and salt into a bowl. Cut the butter into smaller pieces and chop it into the flour with a knife until the mixture resembles the fried cheese. (Use your hands as little as possible - the dough must not get warm.) Add eggs and water and co

Mains Beef bouillon cube Chilli (possibly 2 x ½ chilli) Green pepper ...

Bring some oil into the pan, cut bacon and chirozo and put them in. Cut the onion and garlic roughly, chop chillie nicely, bake them when bacon takes color. The beef comes in when the bulbs have been clear and browned. The red wine is taken in and reduced, th